By Dexter Van Zile, Breaking Israel News.
Last year, Heath Rada, moderator of the Presbyterian Church (USA), a liberal Protestant church in the United States, did the right thing and prevailed upon the denomination’s staffers in Louisville, Kentucky to stop selling a hateful and dishonest booklet called “Zionism Unsettled.”
The booklet was produced by the Israel Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church (USA), a group of obsessive anti-Zionists who have been given license to promote hate by the denomination’s staffers in Louisville. It was sold through the church’s website despite ongoing complaints from Jewish organizations in the United States. Denominational officials stated they wanted good relations with Jews and supported Israel, but they just couldn’t bring themselves to stop selling a book that defamed both American Jews and their homeland and got consequently, got an endorsement from inveterate Jew-hater, David Duke.
The text broadcast a number of lies about Israel and American Jews. For example, it stated that American Jews were able to stifle debate about Israeli policies in mainline churches in America when in fact, mainline Protestants have been arguing about Zionism and Israel for decades, even before Israel was founded in 1948. The text also stated that debate had been stifled in the Jewish community—even as it cited Jews who criticized Israel.
The booklet also broadcast a fairy-tale about Muslim-Jewish relations in the Middle East, going so far as to assert that Jews are treated pretty well in Iran. The State Department reports otherwise: “The [Iranian] government’s anti-Semitic rhetoric, as well as the perception among radical Muslims that all Jewish citizens of the country supported Zionism and the state of Israel, continued to create a hostile atmosphere for Jews.”
It took ongoing complaints and finally an embarrassing interview on CNN during which Rada was grilled about the church’s decision to sell the text for the PCUSA to stop selling the booklet.
But as it turns out, there is yet another booklet produced by the obsessive (and energetic) Israel-haters at the IPMN that is being sold through the PCUSA’s website.
13 Comments. Leave new
Given the PCUSA has degenerated into a minority political CULT, this ongoing rhetorical, lying behavior is being listened to by fewer and fewer as each day passes. And that’s good. Next comes fiscal bankruptcy. Cannot happen soon enough.
Man, this ‘crap’ coming out of our deomination gets old…..very old.
The term, “political cult” is intriguing. One normally associates cultish behaviors as revolving around a person, personality and rigid rules accompanied with social isolation, think Waco.
But the PCUSA does have “cultish” aspects about it. A political orthodoxy which tolerates little dissent. The obsessive-compulsive hatred off all things Israel, and of course thinking itself as the only real “Presbyterians” in the room, not to mention its property in trust clause. Cultish indeed.
Thank you there Dana – so nice you are rooting for the demise of a Christian organization, Oh I forget, you probably are one of those Layman who have passed judgment on all of the PCUSA as being “of the devil” – forgive me if I don’t take your prophecy seriously…
Hey Tater – given the source, you can’t be taking this seriously, if this stuff is getting old for you, do yourself a favor and find a new site to post your mind numbing comments to…
@ Peter Gregory is the ONE, I knew it, he normally associates everything with something bad going on in Louisville – also probably has bats in the belfry…
Might have hit upon the next big divisive issue to drive even more conservatives out of the PCUSA and further consolidate power in the hands of fewer leftist acting people.
Hey, pres-child..we see you are back. Do you really not care how ridiculously ignorant you appear to everyone? Gee whiz, you are odd.
Please don’t feed the troll.
Totally agree Loren, please do not encourage Tater, his posts are ridiculous!
But I have a feeling, Loren, that this is all he has….sort of pity the little guy
don’t cry for me Tater…
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