Registered Agent for the former organization is Carmen LaBerge.
Mailing address: PO Box 682247 Franklin, TN 37068
- ECO: A Covenanted Order of Evangelical Presbyterians
- EPC: The Evangelical Presbyterian Church
- PCA: The Presbyterian Church in America
22 Comments. Leave new
Mebane Presbyterian Church was dismissed from Salem Presbytery to the EPC on Tuesday, February 12.
The terms for dismissal were $21,000.
In the Nov. 2012 issue on page 5, you had a website listed to get information “to see if your pastor is standing against marriage….”
Is that a legitimate site? My google brought it up but it seemed to be a conglomeration of confusion.
Otherwise, I faithfully read the Layman and enjoy the bible studies offered.
Here is the link to the web site — — that lists the names of pastors standing against marriage, referenced in Carmen’s article on page 5 of the Nov. 2012 Layman. The list is part of the More Light Presbyterian’s Stand for Love campaign, found here:
Please remove Wendell Sprague from your mailing list and any e-mails. He is deceased.
Our thanks to Nathan Key for the fine job he did on telling the story of West Isle Pres, Galveston, TX in an accurate and compelling way. We are grateful to the Layman for publishing it.
Bob Bullock, pastor
Re: May 20, 2013 Moore OK tornado
Is there a coincidence that First Presbyterian Church of Moore OK no longer exists? Their church building at 824 NW 12th Street in Moore OK was destroyed by an earlier tornado? The church survived without viable support of Indian Nations Presbytery. They got restarted in a new location on south May Avenue in South OKC. The Presbytery took over this church by administrative commission. This congregation did not survive under the administrative commission. Now where is the Presbyterian Church to help the people in Moore and South OKC who were hit by the 20 May tornado? Is there a story here?
to work together
Enjoy your publication very much. Keep up the good work.
Do you church people know that TO BELIEVE IS A RESULT OF SALVATION, NOT THE REASON FOR SALVATION ? if you think that you are saved by believing in Jesus. You are being deceived big time. The only way to salvation is to cry out for His mercy.
Please change my address from:
251 College Place
Norfolk, 23510
255 College Cross
# 63
Norfolk, VA. 23510
Eugene and Sandra Mandrick
How do we get our church’s info into the dismissal database? We were released in October from the Presbytery of the James, VA, along with 3rd Pres. I see their info but not ours. Would like to have us included but not sure how to submit.
All denominations are experiencing problems which is nothing new. But, as a Christian who has really tried to understand sisters and brothers who cannot accept conservative convictions as compatible with Tony Campolo’s Democrat Party view of social compassion, it has become too much to try to do any longer. The local Episcopal Church is not hell-bent on the ordination of practicing homosexuals, even though their denomination might be. The conservative evangelical megachurches just entertain their regular attenders with rock music and pretend that they can stick their dispensationalists heads in the sand and ignore the rot of the culture. I can no longer attend church where the pastor almost worships the idea of gay ordination. The Christian call to reach out to all human beings is something that I firmly believe in. The perversion of that blessed goal to force paganism on Christians in presybyterian churches is not in line with that goal…it’s hideous betrayal of the One Who died and rose again!
Dear Carmen, et al.,
Just reading highlights from the 2014 General Assembly at the PCUSA website. I saw that the Stated Clerks’ luncheon honored Mark Tammen this week with the Fred Jenkins Constitutional Services Award. Do I remember correctly that Mark Tammen was involved with that Louisiana Presbytery that was embroiled in a protracted court battle with one of their dissenting congregations? The court subpoenaed a trail of e-mails between the GA offices, Tammen (who is now in NY), a NY law firm, and the Presbytery, in which they acknowledged that the Presbytery case had no merit, but if they appeal often and long enough the congregation could run out of money and be unable to mount any more defense, and the Presbytery could then take their property. Meaning they were intentionally trying to deny the congregation its US constitutional right to fair hearing and judicial recourse – a Federal offense. The judge ruled the Presbytery (and cohorts) in contempt, slapped a large fine on the Presbytery and ordered them to pay the congregation’s legal expenses. That’s how I recall the sordid events. And now we’re giving this guy an award for constitutional services? Wow…
Is there a way to know if someone has responded to your comments? Do you have an email system for that?
Beaver Butler Presbytery sounds the alarm! Executive Presbyter begs for churches to remain in the denomination. He says that the presbytery will violate the constitution and standards of the AI to maintain its own standards. Wow! Isn’t that what More Light Presbyterians have been doing for so many years? Watch next year when Beaver Butler Presbytery votes to change the definition of marriage since they have lost 2/3 of the biblical votes. Under Executive’s reign, the presbytery had 87 churches now down to 72 with three more requests and more to come! New Requests to leave the denomination: New Sewickley PC of New Brighton; Meridian UPC of Butler; and First PC of Beaver Falls. Wait – Are these churches and Beaver Butler Paying for Same Gender Benefits through Alan Adams healthcare plan? Sounds hypocritical? Does that violate the presbytery’s position already?
why is there no information on The Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church
Please start a FACEBOOK page immediately and post one of your articles everyday.
The PCUSA has 2 Facebook pages, where they spew their liberal propaganda everyday. I know Presbyterians who are clueless about the assembly votes. I will be happy to share every article you post on FB.
The Presbyterian Lay Committee does have a Facebook page. You can find it here:
After the events of September 11, 2001, the members of the Worldwide Ministries Division of the Presbyterian Church (USA) met on September 27, 2001. There were the usual expressions of sympathy and calls for “restraint” and the need to “understand” the terrorists’ motives and how we contributed to their murder of nearly 3000 people. Only one person spoke truth in that meeting, Marj Carpenter. She said, “Those of us concerned about peace, even the PCUSA, have made a lot of noise about not spending money on FBI and CIA. We will probably never admit it, but we may have been wrong about that” (Presbyterian News and Analysis, 2001). I am still waiting for an acknowledgement from denominational leadership that Ms. Carpenter’s assessment is correct.
I was ordained an Elder in the PCUSA in 1985 and have since observed it’s slide into liberalism and apostasy and even side with the enemies of God and Israel. Our local PCUSA church has opted to ignore all direction from the General Assembly and the Presbytery that conflicts with the Bible – they have become irrelevant and stumbling blocks to Christianity in general , the Word of God in particular, and the Church of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Recommend other PCUSA churches do the same unless you have deep pockets for litigation – which ours does not. When the Son of man comes, will He find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8) At least at our PCUSA church He will find faith and a congregation that truly believes that “the Church” comes before religion or denomination.!
I applaud the 6 theologians who believe they must speak out against Sen. Sessoms as the Attorney General-elect because they feel he has shown racist views in his past and they believe these views would be brought to bear in his new position. That is their right as Americans. However, as Christians, are they not forgetting that in Christ all is forgiven? The sins of the past do not mark those who have received Christ as their Lord and Savior or have these theologians forgotten to read the Gospel of Luke recently? I further ask these theologians and the PCUSA that if theology is truly important to them within the Church, the teachings of Christ truly important to them for the Congregations they represent, then how is it they tell the Christians who desire to become or stay Presbyterians that suddenly it is fine to enter Heaven without first coming to the Lord`s Table. That is the vote PCUSA took last year. It is AGAINST the very teachings of John Calvin, who was the Founder of the Presbyterian faith, AGAINST the translations of the Hebrew and Greek Bibles, AGAINST the early Coptic Christian beliefs as practiced in the 1st Century AD around Rome and Judea, and AGAINST the lst English and German translations of the Bible in the 15th and 16th Century. So where does this come from? GOOD QUESTION! However, it is NOT a Christian belief. To enter Heaven, one must drink at the Lord`s Table to remember Christ`s Blood to seek forgiveness, and eat the bread that represents His Body to remember the Resurrection.