By Russell Moore, at
Social media lit up during this year’s Super Bowl over the abortion lobby’s outrage about a chip commercial. Doritos aired an advertisement depicting a husband and wife proudly looking at an ultrasound of their unborn baby. Suddenly, the baby begins motioning for the Doritos chips that her dad is eating. Dad then begins moving his bag of snacks around his wife’s belly to get his baby to follow it, which the baby does.
In response, NARAL, a national abortion rights lobby, posted on Twitter, denouncing the ad for “using [the] #antichoice tactic of humanizing fetuses.”
In some ways, this is indicative of the state of American culture wars and outrage culture. The ad was about selling chips, not about taking any sort of political stance. But, at another level, the hubbub here gets right to the heart of what the debate over human dignity is all about.
The abortion lobby responded this way to a commercial that wasn’t in any way directed at them. It wasn’t about abortion at all. Why? The outrage was because any hint of personhood inside the womb is the beginning of the end for a culture of death.
The fact that the parents in this ad (it is telling that the abortion lobby’s Twitter feed referred to them as a “Mom” and a “Dad”) could recognize the “product of conception” on a sonogram as their child was problematic for NARAL. The abortion lobby didn’t want viewers to see on television what every expectant mother can see in a sonogram—that the child within her is a growing human being, not just a blob of dark matter. The ad didn’t “humanize” the “fetus,” God did.
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The baby inside of the woman in the doritos commercial has infuriated the pro killing movement by showing a living baby.
The commandment, “Thou shalt not kill(murder) is relevant today as was given to Moses. With over 50 million babies we know have been murdered, this will impact this nation for decades with lost babies to replenish the USA. Is God replacing those 50 million plus by the barbarian hordes of illegals and other groups very foreign to our USA values??
In 50 years will the USA many of us have grown up be a foreign country like the Balkins? Will my grand and great grand children be slaves of our changing nation that is more non white than white??? Will the old oppressed be the new oppressor come into the USA one day???? Or will the rapture of God’s Elect save the body of Christ just in time to be enslaved??? God is sovereign, and God will do what He wants, When HE wants, to Whom He want??? Why??? Because God can, and I am to remain faithful to HIS will whether I like it or not. Psalm 1; Isa. 45.
I think it is amazing that God has used a commercial entity whose sole purpose is to sell more Doritos, to send a message to America! A fetus, from the moment of conception, is a living human being rather than an inanimate blob of tissue! Aborting the baby for any other reason than saving the life of its mother, is an act of murder!! Unless America changes its ways, God may very well withdraw the blessings he has given this Nation and give us over to the defeat and perdition we deserve!!!