By Stoyan Zaimov, The Christian Post.
Kenyans across the country are honoring in vigils the 148 murdered people, mostly Christian students, who lost their lives in the terror attack last week at Garissa University College. Friends and relatives have started a campaign titled #147notjustanumber, named after the original death count, where they are reminding the world that the victims were real people with real hopes and dreams that were taken away.
The campaign, which has spread throughout social media, has focused on revealing the faces of the victims, by sharing their stories and memories from loved ones.
“I can’t even look at pictures of the people killed without crying,” said 32-year-old Mary Wambui from Nakuru, according to CNN.
“They were just children. They were trying to make a better life for themselves. Some were first to go to college in their communities. They died trying to get an education.”
“Those images will haunt us forever,” added 29-year-old Martin Otieno from Nairobi. “As a nation, we should never let this happen. We just can’t.”
The attack was carried out by four gunmen who separated Christian from Muslim students before murdering the Christians. Terror group al-Shabaab has taken responsibility for the attack, and the Kenyan government has responded by launching airstrikes against its bases in neighboring Somalia.
Related article: The FAQS: Terrorist attack in Kenya targets Christians
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One take away from the latest dispatch from the Christian holocaust, which is taking place in live-real time now-all posted on social media. Be it Kenya, Nigeria, Syria, Iraq, any other place in conflict with militant Islam is how these ongoing outrages are more or less non-events for the Louisville and the PCUSA.
Oh sure, you get the standard call for prayers and sorrow expressed from the OGA, but once issued, the institution moves along. The highest priorities for the PCUSA and its acolytes remains the supposed loss of civil liberties in Indiana, the ongoing processing of 14f, and energies surrounding the management chaos that is the daily life across the denomination. For the PCUSA the greatest sin ever created and remains is the nation and state of Israel.
The PCUSA is and remains an insular, idiosyncratic and self-absorbed entity so consumed by its own internal angst, the vast majority self-created, that is it deaf, dumb, and silent while believers are slaughtered simply because they would not deny Christ as Lord. The train has left that station on the PCUSA quite some time ago.