By Evangelicals and Catholics Together
In the Gospel of St. Mark, the Lord Jesus teaches that “from the beginning of creation ‘God made them male and female.’” He then declares a great and beautiful truth inscribed in creation: “For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. So they are no longer two but one flesh” (Mark 10:6–8).
For centuries, Christians have proclaimed these words at weddings, for they express the gift of marriage long recognized by all humanity and acknowledged by men and women of faith: Marriage is the union of a man and a woman. This truth is being obscured, even denied, today. Because of that, the institution of marriage, which is essential to the well-being of society, is being undermined.
As Christians, it is our responsibility to bear witness to the truth about marriage as taught by both revelation and reason—by the Holy Scriptures and by the truths inscribed on the human heart. These age-old truths explain why Christians celebrate marriage—the coming-together of a man and woman in a binding union of mutual support—as one of the glories of the human race. Marriage is the primordial human institution, a reality that existed long before the establishment of what we now know as the state.
As the most venerable and reliable basis for domestic happiness, marriage is the foundation of a just and stable society. Yet in our times this institution has been gravely weakened by the sexual revolution and the damage it has done to marriage and the family: widespread divorce; the dramatic increase in out-of-wedlock births; the casual acceptance of premarital sex and cohabitation; and a contraceptive mentality which insists that sex has an arbitrary relation to procreation. In this environment, families fragment, the poor suffer, and children are especially vulnerable and at risk. The decline of marriage culture is evident throughout the world, and where it is evident, the common good is imperiled.
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It is too bad this was not available for each presbytery to shout out during their respective meetings. Is it too late to save the PCUSA constitution at this point? No it is not too late. But unless a huge fight ensues now, I am afraid the Book of Order will be changed to permit sodomy. However, the Bible has not changed which reveals that sodomy is a sin. And our confessions teach us that the Bible teaches us that sodomy is sin. But now the Book of Order is in conflict with both. And the Pharisees of the PCUSA will consider the Book of Order as their Bible and consider it as holy.
Archibald, I have to disagree: It is too late. Way, way too late. The denomination has long since been taken over by those in favor of same-sex “marriage”. The vote in presbyteries is running more than 2 to 1 in favor of passing Amendment 14-F. Within a very few weeks, it will be officially passed.