Sermon by Carmen Fowler LaBerge, Sunday, Oct. 18, 2015 at Southport Presbyterian Church in Indianapolis, Ind.
If ISIS is worth dying for, is Jesus worth living for?
To download the sermon “right click” on the link
Sermon by Carmen Fowler LaBerge, Sunday, Oct. 18, 2015 at Southport Presbyterian Church in Indianapolis, Ind.
If ISIS is worth dying for, is Jesus worth living for?
To download the sermon “right click” on the link
2 Comments. Leave new
Thanks, Carmen. It is easy to think of Jesus as Savior, but much harder to serve him as Lord. You brought this home very nicely, especially in what you said about how we should put actions behind our prayers in support of Christians who are undergoing persecution. A timely message.
Thanks! Let’s challenge ourselves to fully serve our risen Lord. I would encourage everyone to listen to and share this audio.