By Gregg Brekke, The Presbyterian News Service.
The Executive Committee of the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board (PMAB) of the Presbyterian Church (USA) met for its annual retreat at the offices of the Presbytery of Philadelphia (Pa.), July 22-24. In addition to business items addressed, the committee participated in four site visits, learning more about ministry initiatives in the Philadelphia area.
The first reported action of the committee was a response to a request for the use of the chapel at the Presbyterian Center in Louisville to conduct a same-gender marriage. The committee approved the request, saying its use was “consistent with the center’s chapel and building use policy, for any couple bearing a lawfully issued marriage license.”
Since the PCUSA moved its headquarters to Louisville in 1987 at least eight couples have been married at the Presbyterian Center. Seven of those marriage ceremonies took place in the chapel, which completed construction in 1995.
This authorization follows a resolution approved by the 221st General Assembly in 2014, and adopted by a vote of the presbyteries in early 2015, allowing same-gender marriages in Presbyterian contexts and also with last month’s Supreme Court ruling removing restrictions on same-gender marriages nation-wide.
21 Comments. Leave new
Another day, another sickening story to make one sorry they are a member of this denomimnation
A wedding recognized by the church and the state will take place at a PCUSA chapel. Oh, the humanity! Stop the presses!!
Your outrage is just bigotry and hatred. The world has changed. Get used to it. The old habits of yelling at fags don’t make it any more. Learn to be accepting of people who are different. It will make you a better person.
Indeed, the PCUSA enables an event/ceremony which is recognized by both the secular state and organization. There is little of news of reporting worthiness in the event itself, outside of making known what is known already.
As the PCUSA continues its descent into a minor religious sect, much like the Quakers and Unitarians, it seeks to position itself as the authentic LGBT/”Queer” church, a handle which most in the organization would be most comfortable with.
Again, little news value here. The “shock” value left the room a long time ago.
A.J. One is reminded of two important warnings. G.K. Chesterton observed years ago that “Never move a fence without asking why the fence was there in the first place.”
Dean Inge, of the U.K. noted long ago, “That the church that marries the age will find herself a widow in the next generation.”
Run you current cultural observations by Chesterton and an Inge, and think of who the bigot might actually be?
No one should be surprised here.
aj,The old habits of yelling at fags don’t make it any more.”
Whose doing the yelling here?
yes, recognized by human constructs, but not by God. How appropriate …
I find this part of the story interesting:
“The committee also discussed the importance for cultural proficiency and humility training.”
Perhaps the humility training would teach the stated clerk and others in Louisville that they do not speak for all Presbyterians (in or out of the PCUSA) or for God.
I recall a member of the church I grew up in suburban Pittsburgh. He was a refugee from at that time Communist East Germany. He told tales of how in post-WW2 and the partition, the Communists would in essence take over the old German concentration/death camps in the east for their “reeducation”, indoctrination camps, where children were removed from their parents, as they were considered state property for the re-education on Communist party lines. The current PMA proposal sounds pretty close to that broad social-justice goal espouses by the PCUSA.
PCUSA=socialist utopia=statist collectives=totalitarianism=godless paganism.
If you want to read more on where the PCUSA is going check out the latest title called “When Discernment Leads to Disaster” on the Albert Mohler Blog. Dr. Mohler sums up the status of the Church as follows: “There are big lessons here for every church, every denomination, and every Christian institution. Once biblical inerrancy is abandoned, there is no brake on theological and moral revisionism. The Bible’s authority becomes relative, and there is no anchor to hold the church to the words of Scripture and 2,000 years of Christian witness.”
So, you speak for God on all matters now? Speak for yourself – this is your view…
So, a thought crossed your mind? Must have been a long and lonely journey.
@ Tater — if you left you would not have anything to feign disgust and rant about, ergo – you won’t leave, since you love that more than anything!
Yet more mocking disdain of one with whom you disagree.
@ John D – I agree with you completely – that is exactly what Peter Gregory does almost every post – thanks for the confirmation!
Ah the love.
Scripture is both a source of comfort and strength when engaging the forces of evil. My guidance today comes from Proverbs 25: 21-22.
Praise be to God for this guidance and wisdom. Sometimes that comes rather cool, sometimes rather hot.
How is it you are so predictable pres-child?…..You are exactly the type of person I would expect to hold the views you do…is it fun to go through life thinking you are so incredibly much better than everyone else…..the arrogance drips off everything you do!
Aj…I hope it is not a problem for you to be totally ignorant on this one…there is not one bit of “hatred and bigotry” in me concerning this issue. It is exactly like any other sinful behavior known to man…this one just has a much wealthier and more powerful public relations machine promoting it!…as is very well evidenced by your claim of what the “world” is now. I am not sure you acceptance of any and every thing the world finds acceptable will be the key to YOU being a “better person”, but I guess you can keep trying. but you also might try growing up.
I know all about confirmation bias, etc., but I would have to say that I was not displeased to read the comments of pres, pres-person-redux and other PCUSA defenders on this site. Their nastiness, pettiness and undisguised contempt confirmed to me the wisdom of my decision to join the EPC. These folk perform the great service of providing for other people a small window into the soul of the PCUSA.
Is the decision to allow a same-sex wedding at the Presbyterian Center chapel the sole focus of the article? The headline would lead you to believe that. However, if you continue to read after the “jump”, you will learn about some innovative ministries in the Philadelphia area that are carrying out a “vibrant and relevant witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ”. This should be applauded, encouraged, publicized, and, most importantly, replicated. If our Lord Jesus Christ were walking this earth today, I believe (IMHO) that these are the types of ministries He would be involved in.