The Presbyterian Church USA has voted to endorse Kermit Gosnell. Delegates meeting in Detroit at the 221st General Assembly of the 1.8 million–member Presbyterian Church (USA) voted down a measure that would have the church endorse care for babies born alive after abortions.
Also Thursday (June 19), 78 percent of the PCUSA General Assembly struck down a resolution condemning the killing of babies born alive during abortions, as occurred with notorious abortionist Kermit Gosnell. Initiated by the South Alabama presbytery, it called for inclusion of pro-life Presbyterians and an investigation into doctrinal and financial support of abortion. Dissenters cited pro-abortion stances, while others noted past affirmation of viable babies and reservations in commenting on criminal cases.
One pro-life advocate who serves as a watchdog of mainline Protestant denominations had this to say:
Mainline Protestantism, at least in its official curia, has been liberal for nearly 100 years. But for most of that century it was a thoughtful, dignified liberalism that still roughly adhered to historic Christianity’s moral architecture, even if it no longer upheld the core doctrine. But the yonder years of stately Protestantism, at least in the old Mainline, are largely over.
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Is this article satire?
No it is not. It’s very real. There is the false church which will become the stage approved church. It will lose all of its credibility with bible believing Christians who will probably be driven under ground eventually. This false church will include every kind of professing Christian from mainline to charismatic. Asks the accusations from one to the other of heresy will be rampant; some true some false. Actually, it has already begun. Just remember as this world continues to grow darker, the true church WILL grow brighter and then the great harvest. But that is after the”funeral” for the”wolves”.
That’s STATE approved
finally, someone on this website who knows what’s going on