A Presbyterian Church (USA) special committee has recommended that the denomination look to add more racial and ethnic diversity to its process for clerical ordination.
The PC (USA) General Assembly special committee filed its interim report late last month and included recommendations for the “Standard Ordination Examinations” clergy candidates undergo.
“That presbyteries be encouraged to broaden the pool of readers of the exams to be more representative of the diversity of the PC (USA) and to include more representation from racial/ethnic persons,” recommends the report.
“Further that the General Assembly Nominating Committee be directed to increase the number of racial/ethnic nominees to the Presbyteries’ Cooperative Committee on Examinations for Candidates [PCC] who are presented to the General Assembly for election.”
The Reverend Dr. Timothy B. Cargal, coordinator for the Preparation for Ministry, the Office of the General Assembly, told The Christian Post that the committee’s efforts derived from an action by the PC (USA)’s 220th General Assembly, held last year.
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What this decision by the PCUSA tells me is that the PCUSA is a racist organization. This represents another reason to leave the PCUSA for a Christian denomination.
In 60 years I have not met anyone yet who is NOT an “ethnic/racial person”. Is the PCUSA to start ordaining androids? Please return all the money I’ve given over the years that has been used to enable these useless committees, so I can redirect it to someone going into the world to preach the gospel to all nations (Greek-“ethne”).