(By Ely Portillo, The Charlotte Observer, NC). Covenant Presbyterian Church has decided to invest $2 million in a new affordable housing development in west Charlotte, the church said Tuesday.
The Charlotte Mecklenburg Housing Partnership is developing 185 apartments at the southwest corner of Freedom Drive and Camp Green Street. About 30 percent of the units will rent at market rate, while the remainder will be reserved for people making less than the area’s median income.
“Our church views decent and safe housing as a critical foundation to humanity,” said Bob Henderson, Covenant’s senior pastor, in a statement. “Covenant hopes to make an impact that will increase awareness of and advocacy for households with affordable housing needs by creating a model to finance its development that other organizations can replicate.”
This is the church’s first such investment.
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Good Job! Excellent choice, this will work even better as an investment for the church if the property is managed by a good outside firm and the church will likely receive a better return on their investment than a bank is paying these days all while blessing their community. The real change for THE PCUSA and any local congregation comes when we focus on ministry objectives, and address the BIG issues of our time first, not the ones with the loudest Bullhorn. That does not mean we ignore controversial issues, but they should take their appropriate place. The poor among us want an opportunity to use the abilities God has given them to bless their families and communities. The Gospel redeems the whole person and is part of our tradition of caring for people by building schools and hospitals to better all of Gods people. The last forty years have been obsessed with Politics and ‘Group Rights’ discussions to the exclusion of the biggest issues pressing on the world. Lack of access to clean water, Education, basic health care, and economic opportunity compounded by corrupt global leadership and religious terrorism and political oppression. The change will come from local congregations doing the work of bringing Gods kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.
Our congregation has built multiple schools and ministries and businesses in the poorest communities on the planet in just the last few years and each is designed by the local leaders to be self-funding, self propagating and locally led under the Guidance of our Lord withing three years. Its working! We welcome Christian, and Muslim, Orphan Children and widowed victims of Boka Haram, from the poorest of the poor and we share the love of Jesus. Lets be the church!