By Jodi Craiglow, on StayPCUSA
As I perch on my bunk, trying to find the happy medium between the needs of my aching hips and the proper position of my laptop, reveling the fact that God chose to endow humanity with air conditioning, I think over the events of the past day. And I’m left wondering just how all the events that come to mind got shoe-horned into a mere 18 hours. And what’s even crazier, this wasn’t even a “full” day at Triennium. I can only imagine what tomorrow’s going to be like… but I get ahead of myself.
After breakfast the Small Group Leaders reconvened for one final training session, mainly just to tie up loose ends. Unfortunately, between our anticipation of the afternoon’s schedule and the lunch that our stomachs craved, we “natives” started getting restless before the meeting was over. Heaven bless the Small Group Leadership staff, though — they were troopers and made one of the most valiant attempts that I’ve seen in a long time in hopes of keeping us in line. (That’s right; the “worse than the kids” adage is still alive and well.) After box lunches and one final Q&A session, Sarah released us to make our personal preparations.
And then it began.
Contingents of adolescents were dropped off in front of dormitories by the bus- and van-load, and after they officially checked in they were welcomed up to Memorial Mall for our first event, “Here I Am.” Recreational activities ranging from life-sized Scrabble to vertical nine-square to Ninja tournaments were well-attended. I helped out at the banner-making station — participants have been invited to create banners stating “I Am [fill in the blank],” and they’ll be used in various locations throughout the week. There’s also a gigantic plywood Tree of Life to which students applied paint-covered thumbprints. They’ll be continuing their “construction” of it in subsequent rec events.
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