By Chelsea Patterson, The Gospel Coalition
A broken body. A rebellious sister. An unsaved brother. Disease that has forever changed my family. Daily difficulties of sin nature.
Sometimes the list of my trials and suffering threaten to overshadow my gaze of the Father; the pain of living in a fallen world that weaves itself into my heart attempts to steal my affections for my Savior.
“How long O Lord?” my weary soul cries out, echoing the words of Psalm 13.
How long will my heart feel like it’s being ripped out of my body, trampled on, and then placed back? How long will I have to daily fight to see the Lord’s face? How long until these sorrows are redeemed?
How long O Lord?
John Calvin described Psalms as “an anatomy of all the parts of the soul.” How thankful I am that the Lord provides his children with the rawness found in Psalms. Repeatedly the psalmists cry out with such honesty.
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How long?? As long as God ordains to accomplish HIS will.