Recently reading an article on More Light Presbyterians’ site I wanted to sit down with the author put my arm around her shoulder and tell her that she is loved but confused. She, like so many in this generation, is deeply confused about Christian identity and the love of God. Annanda Barclay suggests that denying any kind of love between people is denying God’s love. In her article, “Sack Cloth & Ashes” Barclay writes:
In church it is frequently heard, “We need love.” It is a trite important phrase, but I also wonder about those who already have it. For some of us who have love, how many of us can practice it without condemnation? The LGBTQ community is denied participation and celebration in our church regarding love. Christ’s resurrection also celebrates what is so often referred to as “their concept of love.” Whenever I hear such rhetoric my heart breaks a little. Love is simply love. God’s love manifested between two people how ever they self-identify is universal. By condemning same gendered couples to marry, does the church not also realize that it has condemned love?While there are several misunderstandings in this statement, probably the biggest misunderstanding concerns Christ’s resurrection and “their concept of love.” But first, the church, bowing to the authority of scripture and the Lordship of Jesus Christ, not only sees same gender sex as sin, it also holds that sex outside of marriage, that is, fornication and adultery, are sin.
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” He shrugged his shoulders, like he had no idea what I was talking about. Start using the fleshlight as you like while maintaining control makes perfect.