The widespread cultural debate regarding the morality of homoerotic behavior, not to mention gay marriage, has ended. Those who remain opposed have had their opposition effectively quarantined to the realm of religious faith and private opinion.
My own views on the matter were laid out in a six-part blog back in 2011, the first of which can be read here with links to the other five on the sidebar as well as at the bottom of each post.
Early on in the debate, the idea of a “slippery slope” was introduced by many, concerned that the arguments being used in favor of the acceptance of homoerotic behavior and gay marriage could be just as easily used for polygamy, bestiality and pedophilia. After all, once you redefine family into whatever people want it to mean, make “love” or “attraction” the ultimate ethic in terms of appropriate relationship, then you have very little keeping you from applying that to almost any kind of relationship.
This caused an outrage on the other side, who said in no uncertain terms that this was reprehensible to even consider.
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why don’t you people post an article about Christ? now there’s a thought.
i noticed the same thing happening with Catholic radio, which is why i stopped listening to it years ago; all roads led to sex, that’s all they ever talk about now.
tantalizing subject matter, to what end please?
most of the audience knows right from wrong, what’s the point of bringing up a topic that most of us don’t need to know about, and never even think about.
Because, even though you know right from wrong, if you don’t speak out you join the ranks of folks like the Germans before and during WWII who said nothing as civilization crumbled around them.