As a book, The Shack has sold more than 20 million copies. That’s a huge number. It also claims to be Christian and has been sold as such. That, it turns out, is a controversial claim.
The Shack is back, now as a movie. As with all novels, it is essential that we recognize fiction is fiction. But this particular fiction claims to tell us the truth about God, and we need to figure out what to do with that.
Christians need to prepare to engage in conversations with the millions of people who will see The Shack and be prepared to walk with them from Mack’s experience with God in the movie into their own.
We need Christians who are equipped to engage with people whose view of God, themselves, their relationships and their world are going to be radically transformed by this movie. Are you ready?
Be ready to enter into these conversations equipped with truth and grace, with this free resource How to use The Shack to talk with others.
Click here to get your copy of How to use The Shack to talk with others.
1 Comment. Leave new
We just completed an 8 week study of “The Shack” and watched the movies this afternoon as a group. I found the movie fairly true to the book, though obviously shorter. More importantly, I found the movie very powerful in presenting the love and grace of God, the need for forgiveness and the wonder of redemption. Is it perfect Christian theology? No, but I believe it offers helpful insights and a sense of hope. I’ve read a piece called “The 13 heresies in the Shack,” most of which are a bigger stretch to see than the minor theological errors I found in the Shack. I think the movie presents a great opportunity witness to the love of God through the relationship of the Trinity.