No certainty exists over the fate of an amendment brought before the regional bodies of Presbyterian Church (USA) that would redefine the denomination’s marriage definition to include same-sex unions.
Last month, the largest Presbyterian denomination in the country voted in favor of a recommendation to change the official definition of marriage in the Book of Order from “a man and a woman” to “two people, traditionally a man and a woman.”
Toya Richards, spokeswoman of the PC (USA) Office of the General Assembly, told The Christian Post that “we can’t speculate on that.”
At the PCUSA’s 221st General Assembly, held in Detroit, a supermajority of the delegates voted in favor of a recommendation to change the language in the Church’s Book of Order regarding marriage.
Presently, the Book of Order defines marriage as being between “a man and a woman”; the new language would remove the gender specific terminology.To change the Book of Order’s language, a majority of PCUSA presbyteries, or regional bodies, must approve the amendment.
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I’m all for civil unions across the board, leave marriage to the churches. I don’t care if two people want to enter a civil contract, benefits and all, but don’t call it marriage.
US eliminated God from ‘one nation under God’ a long time ago, we’re seeing the consequences.
ignoring God entirely would most likely lead to complete chaos, which is almost where we’re at now.
the only reason the US has enjoyed so many blessings was the protection of God.
without his protection we’re in trouble.
the only answer is repentance, and a return to the laws of God.
What will be the fate of the PCUSA???? Death and the Lake of Fire Rev. 20 and 21.
RE: “US eliminated God from ‘one nation under God’ a long time ago,”
Actually, the pledge of allegiance was not created until the 1890’s and the “under God” phrase was not ADDED until 1954 during the big “red scare.” Hardly the case that it is eliminated.
Regarding “a long time ago,” this was once a country in which as pious as man as Andrew Jackson did not think appropriate to declare a national day of prayer because doing so would be contrary to the spirit of the establishment clause of the first amendment. No longer.