There are a number of lessons one can learn in the current legal brawl taking place in a St George’s county courthouse between the Diocese of South Carolina and the national Episcopal Church and its local rump diocese.
1) Don’t tick off the judge by doing end runs around the court.
2) Don’t anger the judge more than once by repeating your mistakes, she will only get angrier.
3) Don’t repeat lessons one and two.
4) Don’t bring in an expert witness by the back door as a tactic (by the national church) to delay the trial.
5) Don’t try and blindside the judge by introducing witnesses who have not been pre cleared and think you can get away with it. You won’t.
6) If you think you can roll into South Carolina with a lot of high priced lawyers and treat the judge like a southern hick, you will get your head handed to you on a platter, especially as the judge in question is Jewish and has a higher IQ than most TEC bishops combined.
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My better half is baptized Episcopalian, and that church was liberal back in the 80’s, but now they have completely gone off the deep end, and our denomination is teaming up with them in court, this is a very bad sign of things to come.