By Deborah Hamilton, Charisma News
Effective Feb. 10, 2015, the historic Buffalo Presbyterian Church in Greensboro, North Carolina, is no longer affiliated with the liberal Presbyterian Church of the USA, which has come under fire in recent years for embracing same-sex unions in violation of scriptural teaching.
By an overwhelming supermajority, Buffalo Church members voted to separate from the denomination due to its rejection of the authority of Scripture.
“Because of our conviction of the truth of the Bible, the reality of Jesus, and scriptural morals, Buffalo Presbyterian Church has, after a long and extensive journey, successfully extricated itself from the PCUSA denomination,” said Interim Pastor Dr. Alex McFarland. “As followers of Christ, we are called first and foremost to recognize and adhere to the authority and truth of God’s Word. Embracing homosexual unions and declaring them to be blessed by God is an arrogant contradiction of this truth. Tragically, the Presbyterian Church of the USA has abandoned 2,000 years of Christian orthodoxy, and is leading others astray through its teachings. Buffalo Presbyterian Church mourns the falling away of the PCUSA, but we are constricted by our declaration of faith to look to Scripture alone as the ultimate authority on all matters of doctrine and teaching.”
15 Comments. Leave new
As followers of Christ we are called first to love God above all else, then to love our neighbors and then to even love our enemies. Not a call to obedience first and especilly not a call to selective obedience or man made predudices. These moves away from the body that helped them become and exist are just whipped up excuses for power plays. Disrespectful rebelious children wanting to have their way and take authority over their parents. The leadership should be defrocked and sued for their terrible mutany. Haters of others can find another place to worship a God they’ve made in their images, instead of the loving forgiving Jesus Christ. -RB
Seems to me the PCUSA is in favor of almost anything
but repentence. An ex PCUSA elder
Pcusa is not only an antibiblical denomination, but it is also antidemocratic and consequently ANTIAMERCAN. History has proven so.
Not very loving language from someone who proclaims his devotion to love.
What denomination would Buffalo church join instead of the PC(USA)?
It’s quite ironic that those who follow secular culture would accuse those desiring to resist it of idolatry. This charge seems to be part of the new order in the PCUSA.
As long as it is not the apostate pc usa.
Jorge, the blind leaders of the blind are in control, but one day, they will have to answer for their apostate actions.
**Seems to me the PCUSA is in favor of almost anything
but repentence.**
Sure, why not since the pcusa is loaded with nihilists, narcissists and extremists giving us a glimpse of the kingdom of darkness a brave new world emerging.
But the leadership will hide behind the “democratic” manner in which the decisions are made. But, just because there is a vote does not mean the congregations are represented. The positions of individual congregations are not fairly represented. The clergy will vote as they personally feel and not according to the wishes of the congregations who think their ministers are representing them. Likewise, commissioners, part time representatives at best, have not had the time to fully study the issues and, as with the clergy, will not necessarily vote according to the wishes of the congregations they represent. It has become a form of gerrymandering and we’re seeing the result as churches are defecting or, at the least, not raising the funds needed to support their operations.
Small conservative PCUSA (for now) church in WV seeks pastor to lead us out of the apostate wilderness. Contact me at
Gay pastors, gay marriage, pro abortion, anti-semitism, etc. PC USA is not a religious organization anymore but a left wing political organization.
February 16, 2015
Ms. Hamilton, your analysis of why Buffalo Church left the PCUSA is incorrect. The title of your article sets the tone as an anti-gay decision. Nothing could be more wrong. To begin an article with such a title invites confrontation which we do not want.
We at Buffalo sought to remain faithful to our Ordination vows. Please let me try to explain in a few words the struggle we have confronted for the past 32 years since reunion.
You have stated correctly that following a process of disaffiliation over a period of years, one of the oldest Presbyterian Churches in the United States, Buffalo Presbyterian Church, located at 803 Sixteenth Street, Greensboro, North Carolina has left the PCUSA.
For those of your readers that don’t know, the Presbyterian Church (USA) or PCUSA was born of a merger between two Presbyterian denominations in 1983 to become the fifth largest Protestant denomination in the United States.
The influence of the PCUSA over Buffalo was in both governing the church (polity) and in what PCUSA believed (theology). PCUSA has a Book of Order which contains sections on church government, discipline and worship. PCUSA also has a Book of Confessions which consists of 11 historic confessions of faith by which Buffalo was compelled to be guided. The continuing tension Buffalo experienced under the PCUSA is that both of these important documents are subject to change. Many of Buffalo’s differences with the PCUSA centered on the ongoing proposals for change in The Book of Order and Book of Confessions.
Many people have asked for the “main” reason(s) why the Buffalo Session formed a Discernment Committee to begin the process of leaving the PCUSA. In response we can only say there is no single reason or incident that led to this recommendation. Buffalo’s fundamentals of belief are anchored in the authority of Scripture as expressed in the pre-1983 confessions of faith and the unique Lordship of Christ. For over 32 years a growing minority within the PCUSA has sought to compromise these two bedrock foundations. Consequently, there are several reasons for Buffalo’s decision to seek be dismissed from the PCUSA. They include:
• A creeping tolerance of theological pluralism. A major issue in the PCUSA is a creeping tolerance of theological pluralism, i.e. many disparate views of God, Christ and salvation (see below). Because the internal conflict in the PCUSA continues to grow it became increasingly clear that our association with the PCUSA may not be the most effective path
to faithfulness and healthy growth. The members of Buffalo desire to be associated with a denomination that is in accord with our beliefs and more supportive of our efforts to bring people to Christ, as opposed to continuing to expend our energy in attempts to correct a denomination that continues to move away from Christ and the authority of Scripture.
• Divided loyalty. Over the last 15 years the number of dollars going to higher governing bodies (Salem, Mid-Atlantic Synod, General Assembly) has been dramatically reduced. The session designates where Buffalo’s PCUSA money is spent because it has been disappointed in many of the denomination’s actions.
• Our passion and energy have been diverted. For years Buffalo has been dedicating time, talent and resources to internal struggles within our own presbytery. Buffalo is now free to support more effective ministry and mission.
These following changes have been quietly going on for many years:
• 1993 — The PCUSA largely funded and planned a conference entitled “Re-Imagining God,” in which conference leaders affirmed the belief in many different gods and ridiculed the crucifixion of Jesus while offering prayers to a goddess they named Sophia.
• 2001 — The General Assembly spent a great deal of time considering alternative proposals regarding interfaith relations and worship. In that assembly a motion was made to declare “the singular and saving lordship of Jesus Christ” but it was soundly defeated because it could be considered “disrespectful to other religions.” Thousands of Presbyterian churches disagreed with this and aligned themselves with The Confessing Church Movement. Buffalo Presbyterian Church was one of those churches.
• 2010 — The “G6” (G-6.0106a-b in the Book of Order), as it was called, was finally rewritten and the “fidelity/chastity” language was removed from the constitution; presbyteries were then free to ordain and install ministers and teaching elders who choose to live sexually active lives outside of the context of marriage between one man and one woman.
Because the internal conflict within the PCUSA continues to grow, it became clear to a super majority of Buffalo’s congregation that our membership with the PCUSA was no longer be the most effective path to further our mission. Buffalo’s desire is to be associated with a denomination that supports our efforts to be faithful to God’s Word and bring people to Christ, rather than continue to expend energy and effort to correct a denomination that continues to move away from Christ and the authority of Scripture.
In the words of the Apostle Paul, “I urge you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them.” Romans 16:17
Many people have stated incorrectly that the primary reason Buffalo is considering a change because of the push by the PCUSA to ordain self-affirming homosexuals.
This is not the primary reason. There is no single reason or incident that led to a Sessional recommendation to form a committee to look into the alternatives. For over 32 years a growing minority within the PCUSA has sought to compromise the authority of Scripture and the unique Lordship of Christ. The departure of ordination standards from clear biblical and confessional principles and from the Book of Order is just one of many examples of the trend in the PCUSA to compromise the authority of Scripture and the unique Lordship of Christ.
You may ask what is meant by the “creeping tolerance” of theological pluralism.
Creeping tolerance of theological pluralism means that increasingly there is a wide range of unbiblical beliefs about God, humanity, and the Bible being held and affirmed within the PCUSA. Over time an increasing percentage of ministers and members within the denomination are taking positions that are inconsistent with the historical tenets of our faith. With greater frequency, the “moderates” that make up the majority of the denomination are voting with the “revisionists” and are choosing to no longer guard orthodoxy. One example of this is how Jesus becomes “a way” rather than “the way to God,” how compassion becomes divorced from biblical truth, how theological diversity becomes more important than discipleship, and how social action becomes more important than growing a Christian spiritual foundation. Our previous alignment with the Confessing Church Movement suggests that we believe:
1- In the absolute Lordship of Jesus Christ;
2- In the unquestionable means of salvation for the whole world by faith in him; and
3- In the infallible authority of God’s Word in all matters of faith and practice.
The primary non-negotiable issues that have caused Buffalo to leave PCUSA are:
Biblical Authority is the primary issue. Over the years, increasingly diverse interpretations of Scripture have had a ripple effect that has called into question certain foundational Christian beliefs such as: the Lordship of Christ: the place of Scripture in church discipline; Jesus Christ as the only means of salvation; and
The Bible’s teaching on sex and marriage, the virgin birth, the Trinity, and other important doctrines.
The session of Buffalo is currently working with representatives of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church to secure an interim pastor and map a course of growth for the future. We ask for your prayers as we continue on the narrow path.
Clyde B. Albright
Elder, Buffalo Presbyterian Church
My perception, reinforced by this narrative, is that the “religious pluralism” remarked upon is and will be a never ending succession of repulsive challenges and revisions for the purpose of weakening the church, ultimately eliminating it.
It is so sad to me to see someone like Sean Johnston who likely claims to be Presbyterian so clearly and completely not understand Presbyterian polity. Commissioners are not called “representatives” because, Sean, they are *not* representatives and are not supposed to be. Read a Book of Order before you say things about the denomination that are simply untrue.
The PCUSA would be so much better off if the people in it were actually Presbyterians, instead of fundamentalists posing as Presbyterians, people who know nothing about Presbyterian history, theology, or polity.