At a recent meeting, Blackhawk Presbytery approved a resolution stating that it will honor the consciences of those of both sides of the same-sex marriage issue.
Blackhawk Presbytery is located in Illinois, a state where same-sex marriage is legal. It is also a member of the Presbyterian Church (USA) which, during its 221 General Assembly this summer, passed an Authoritative Interpretation that allows pastors in states where same-sex marriage is legal to perform such ceremonies.
At its Nov. 11 meeting held at Stronghold Camp and Retreat Center in Oregon, Ill., the presbytery voted to approve the following:
“Acknowledging same-sex nuptials are legal in Illinois and the PCUSA affords discretion to its teaching elders by the authoritative interpretation of the 221st General Assembly to preside or not preside at such rituals + ceremonies = rites and particular churches may host or not host such ordinances upon session approval subject to the review of higher judicatories, Blackhawk Presbytery will honor the consciences of teaching elders and particular churches within its bounds; noting its members are divided among those who embrace the authoritative interpretation as witness to progressive theology and those who reject it according to traditional Christianity. Presiding/participating teaching elders and hosting churches may exercise their consciences as permitted by the authoritative interpretation. No efforts to force teaching elders and sessions who decline to preside/participate/host will be encouraged, enabled, or condoned. Those who embrace and those who decline do not need to fear ministerial infringements or vocational reprisals in Blackhawk Presbytery.”
PCUSA presbyteries are in the process of voting on a constitutional amendment — referred to as 14-F — that would change the definition of marriage from between “a man and a woman” to between “two people.” As of Nov. 8, two presbyteries have voted for the change and three have voted against it. For approval, the amendment must receive a majority vote of the PCUSA’s 171 presbyteries — a total of 86 votes.
Related articles:
Why marriage traditionalists are unprotected in PCUSA
Your church, your pastor and same-sex marriage
The PCUSA action on same-sex marriage impacts every pastor and congregation
13 Comments. Leave new
If it is not a scam, then let the PCUSA prove it by permitting ownership of property and endowments to
to revert to the original owners, the congregations, as it has been since 1745.
It is actually perverted, after having radically changed moral standards, to throw the believers out on to the street and take over the property and endowments.
Blackhawk’s profession, “There is good will all around,” is a cruel exercise in power, borderline sadistic.
First, I defy anyone to parse the opening sentence of the resolution. Such opaque bureaucrat-ese is intended only to obfuscate, not clarify.
If 14-F fails, it will simply mean that the PCUSA is unable to Authoritatively Interpret either scripture or its own constitution. Blackhawk is preemptively agreeing that it can’t either. What a pathetic state the PCUSA has fallen to.
At least they appear to acknowledge that “progressive theology” is not Christianity.
Indeed, “progressive” theology is not Christianity, either in a historical nominative sense, or as a matter of practice. What accounts for the worship life of many PCUSA churches is a mishmash of pagan feminist creation narratives, New Age and Native ritualistic practices superimposed on the traditional trappings of word and sacrament. Christ, Buda. Vishnu, Mohammad, various “spirits” all the same.
Leadership in the PCUSA is best defined as the unconverted, preaching to an ever diminishing and unmoved, unconvinced.
Mr Gregory
I don’t know who you are, but I have read many of your comments. There seems to be so much anger and accusation in your comments. This latest one is just over the top. Do you post here to vent anger or to persuade people to your point of view?
I don’t think you accomplish much with your comments, other than to stir the waters.
Fedora: Truth by its definition is emotion neutral. Free, at least from the baser emotions of anger, rage, vindictiveness. Which if not put under submission of God’s will is indeed a sin and unbecoming the faith.
Opinion, a point of view or reference, commentary, is indeed subjective and many times caries with it the feelings and emotions of the writer. In the above context, yes it is true, all true of the pagan nature and origins of ‘progressive” theology, which like its ideological cousin, progressive or liberal politics is godless in nature, and totalitarian in intent. Exposure of this truth, is not an emotional act nor carries with it a sense of anger.
I hope this clarifies, and yes, the waters are indeed better stirred. Now if one prefers the brackish, lifeless, muddies waters, the PCUSA has plenty for all to drink and drink till full.
Mr. Gregory:
I think your latest rant is just evidence of a cranky and angry man.
How is this any different than the “Union” Presbytery that Santa Barbara wanted and tried to put forth?
They were turned down. Is this an example of unity or dis- unity? How does this enhance the vision, direction, and mission of this Presbytery? When the tent gets too big, and the essential poles are weak or misplaced,
the tent will collapse. The problems are deeper than this one issue.
Truth by its very definition is exclusive. The PCUSA has long ago abandoned truth in its downward spiral toward extinction.
The truth of Scripture (and how the church has traditionally interpreted it) overrides individual conscience. For “no prophecy of scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation (2 Peter 1:20).”
I recommend a peek at the current posting of as another witness for the remnant that looks up, stands up, speaks up, and acts up for Jesus by the book in a franchise increasingly apostate under current management. If you get there late, it’s #32. 🙂
The connectional nature of the denomination means that if one church acts we are all affected and are allowing that action.
If one church performs gay marriages, every member is involved and participates by our connection to the
Because there are no essentials, there are no boundaries on conscience. The AI puts us in a position where no one can exercise conscience….they decided for us what would dictate behavior.
The courts of the PCUSA have said they do not want to make the learned, hard decision of saying what interpretation should be up held according to Scripture. Do you really think a Great God as we have would have more than one interpretation? This Presbytery is divided…..does not have a clear direction or message….and is representative of the denomination. The real message we are sending to our culture is “we do not KNOW God or HEAR GOD rightly. Our opinions in the name of conscience are more important than
Struggling to know God’s best for HIS creation from HIS WORD.”
The only recourse for conscience is separation from this wayward, confused denomination.
Wouldn’t Revalation 3:16 have summed this up
” because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold or hot, I will spur thee out of my mouth.”?