By Ed Stetzer, The Exchange blog
How well do American Christians know their Bibles? Hint: not well.
America can be proud of many things: our innovation, generosity and entrepreneurial spirit are unsurpassed. Yet when it comes to our nation understanding one of the greatest gifts ever given to humanity—the Bible—we’re moving from dumb to dumber … and it’s no laughing matter.
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My recent experience is that most “Christians” do not want to know anything about the Bible that conflicts with society’s views. On same sex marriage I was told “the Bible condones slavery but we know better today and the Bible forbids divorce but we know better” etc. No use pointing out that society thinks highly of adultery and fornication too which, I guess, has nothing to do with 110million Americans having STDs. The current attitude seems to be pick and choose what you like from that book.
“same sex marriage..divorce…adultery…fornication…110million Americans having STDs”
your comment is fairly typical of what i read here and elsewhere, and is also common of what i hear on Christian radio these days. maybe if American people weren’t so obsessed with self gratification, pleasures, sexual sin at all moral costs, including legalized abortion, we wouldn’t be in the hell bent mess we’re in today. from my experience, most Americans i know don’t want to read ANY book. i can’t even get my friends to read a brief letter or listen to a sound byte conversation any more. if you try to speak the truth now they’ll cut you off or ignore you. even this website is proving to be little more than a business marketing device for Carmen and her gang. i expect this post to be gone by noon.
** The current attitude seems to be pick and choose what you like from that book.** Is not liberalis great allowing us to pick and choose what we want to believe, a name and claim it Christianity. We are seeing a cultural shift and God is giving us a strong delusion that we are believing a lie, believing a false Gospel ignoring the death, burial and resurrection of Christ with Him coming back at any moment.
The post have resolved my problem,thank you very much and hope you writting more good articles.