Scientists recently confirmed small lies lead to big lies and more lying. Science is a method, a process of inquiry. So we should not be surprised when scientific research confirms what revelation has already made known to us in God’s word.
According to an article in The Guardian:
“Scientists have uncovered an explanation for why telling a few porkies has the tendency to spiral out of control. The study suggests that telling small, insignificant lies desensitises the brain to dishonesty, meaning that lying gradually feels more comfortable over time.”
Which makes one wonder, how small does a lie have to be, to be truly insignificant? If I lie to myself, isn’t the seed of that deceit now planted in my mind? If I hear that lie repeated and reinforced enough times, am I not more inclined to believe it? This is the whole theory behind the practice of brainwashing. It is the method applied to extract false confessions. The repetition of a lie becomes a truth to the person whose mind becomes home to the lie.
What scientists describe as desensitizing the brain, others just call sin’s slippery slope. We all know once you’ve lied, you often have to lie to support your first lie. It’s a path you don’t want to start down because it leads to destruction. First the destruction of your own integrity but then to the destruction of your relationships with others.