A Korean church is asking San Gabriel Presbytery to “follow its own guidelines and Book of Order, even as we seek to obtain gracious dismissal to another Reformed Body,” and not appoint an Administrative Commission for its church.
At tomorrow’s (Jan. 24) presbytery meeting, San Gabriel will consider a motion from its Presbytery Council to establish an Administrative Commission, that among other duties will “assume full authority over the session” — for Korean Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church in Rowland Heights, Calif.
The council’s motion stated that “extensive negotiations and meetings” between the Presbytery Engagement Team (PET) and the church’s special committee resulted in a “deadlock.”
However, Peter Chung, clerk of the session of Korean Good Shepherd, questioned the use of the term “deadlock” in a Jan. 22 letter received by members of the presbytery.
“Considering that the church had reached an agreement with the PET for dismissal with property, with payment terms agreed upon and ratified by the congregation by a 91 percent majority vote, we are at a loss to understand how the PET now concludes that there is a ‘deadlock’ or that it has been unable to negotiate terms. The congregational vote approving the terms occurred with PET participation and supervision in March 2014. Of 812 validated votes, 738 voted in favor of the dismissal terms, with only 74 opposed. The vote was conducted decently and in order,” he wrote.
Chung made it very clear that “Putting an AC in place with powers of original Jurisdiction will betray any sense of trust we have had in this process and undermine any confidence we have in the process going forward. Our request for dismissal, supported by over 90 percent of the church, has been met with undue delays not of our doing.”
There have been no accusations or charges alleging any improper actions by the session, he said. “Not once has the PET complained to the church that either its negotiating team, (the SCC), or the session have done anything wrong. Not once has the PET or anyone from presbytery suggested that KGSPC has not cooperated fully and in good faith with the Gracious Dismissal Policy which this presbytery approved.”
“We appeal to the presbytery to follow its own guidelines and Book of Order, even as we seek to obtain gracious dismissal to another Reformed Body. We have respected and complied with the Book of Order and the presbytery’s GDP. To cast aside the stated desires of 91 percent of the congregation and seek to impose a new governing body over the session does not seem like grace or forbearance when we have trusted the process and acted in good faith,” he wrote.
Chung asked the presbytery to either vote in opposition of the motion to establish an administrative commission, or to at least postpone the action until proper procedures are followed.
According to the council’s motion, if approved, the AC would be authorized to:
- “Conduct an administrative review of the session and its responsible management of the church’s worship and congregational life as a community of faith, hope, love and witness and the management of the physical property of the congregation for the furtherance of its mission.
- “Assume full authority of the session.
- “Determine the application of the Presbytery’s Gracious Dismissal Policy on behalf of both the church and the Presbytery, bringing a recommendation to the full Presbytery.
- “Determine as the presbytery whether there is a schism within the membership of the congregation and whether the Presbytery is unable to effect a reconciliation of a division into separate congregations within the Presbyterian Church (USA) and determine as the presbytery if one faction is entitled to the property because it is identified by the Presbytery as the true church within the Presbyterian Church (USA).”
Read Chung’s entire letter:
Re: Presbytery Motion to establish an AC for Korean Good Shepherd Church, Rowland Heights.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
On behalf of Korean Good Shepherd Church, I am writing to you with heavy and saddened heart because of the letter we received from council regarding a proposed Administrative Commission, Tuesday, 1/20/2015. Considering that the church had reached an agreement with the PET for dismissal with property, with payment terms agreed upon and ratified by the congregation by a 91% majority vote, we are at a loss to understand how the PET now concludes that there is a “deadlock” or that it has been unable to negotiate terms. The congregational vote approving the terms occurred with PET participation and supervision in March 2014. Of 812 validated votes, 738 voted in favor of the dismissal terms, with only 74 opposed. The vote was conducted decently and in order.
Throughout the Gracious Dismissal Process the Session of KGSPC has continued to manage wisely the affairs of the church, both economically and spiritually. There are no accusations or charges against the Session alleging any improper action. Not once has the PET complained to the church that either its negotiating team, (the SCC), or the Session have done anything wrong. Not once has the PET or anyone from Presbytery suggested that KGSPC has not cooperated fully and in good faith with the Gracious Dismissal Policy which this presbytery approved. The Presbytery Council itself brings this motion and sadly accuses that “the Session of Good Shepherd Korean Presbyterian Church of Rowland Heights is unable or unwilling to manage wisely its affairs….” It uses this language because that is a requisite in the Book of Order for the imposition of an Administrative Commission (G-3.0303e). But this section of the Book of Order requires “a thorough investigation, and after full opportunity to be heard has been accorded to the session.” This has not happened. Neither Council nor the PET has even met with Session, let alone present it with a list of concerns.
We appeal to the Presbytery to follow its own guidelines and Book of Order, even as we seek to obtain gracious dismissal to another Reformed Body. We have respected and complied with the Book of Order and the Presbytery’s GDP. To cast aside the stated desires of 91% of the congregation and seek to impose a new governing body over the Session does not seem like grace or forbearance when we have trusted the process and acted in good faith.
We recognize that emotions run high as transformation takes place in this denomination and in our church’s affiliation. But we also recognize the wider church universal, and wish to honor Christ in this broader diversity as our congregational expression of faith. The PC(USA) Book of Order says that “Division into different denominations obscures but does not destroy unity in Christ.” (F-1.0302a.) We will not achieve 100% unanimity in our dismissal, and respect those among us who wish to remain affiliated with the PC(USA). We recognize that the minority of members wishing to remain will have strong emotions as well, and seek to stop the majority from being dismissed. There is no disorder in the church, and the vocal complaints of the small minority wishing to remain do not constitute “disorder,” just emotion.
Disbanding the PET and empaneling an AC to assume original jurisdiction derails the dismissal process entirely, and holds our consciences captive against our genuine beliefs. This Presbytery’s GDP states that its values commit it to “affirm freedom of conscience, even as we acknowledge significant differences in our views.” Where is this affirmation in the proposed imposition of an Administrative Commission? Where is the due process? Where is the forbearance?
We first heard of the proposed action on Tuesday of this week, and have not had a legitimate chance to discuss this with either the PET or Council. Putting an AC in place with powers of Original Jurisdiction will betray any sense of trust we have had in this process and undermine any confidence we have in the process going forward. Our request for dismissal, supported by over 90% of the church, has been met with undue delays not of our doing.
We therefore request that you, as our fellow members in this Presbytery, vote in good faith to oppose the Motion to Establish an Administrative Commission, or postpone the action until proper procedures are followed.
The Presbytery may, in the alternative, vote to circumscribe the authority given the AC, limiting its charge to determining which members wish to remain PC(USA) and bringing the Request for Dismissal to the floor of the Presbytery, honoring the process which this Presbytery approved.
Finally, if the motion to establish an AC passes, we would humbly ask this body to enter a stay of enforcement as KGSPC considers an ecclesiastical appeal by remedial action with the Synod.
In His Grace,
Peter Chung
Session Clerk
Korean Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church, Rowland Heights
24 Comments. Leave new
This is very disheartening and disgusting. For a denomination that boasts “everything in decency and order” and “peace, unity, and purity,” it has a twisted way of showing it.
This action has louisvilles stench all over it, this what I meant that they change the rules to suit them as the voting comes to an end, this will be new norm for churches wanting to leave, frankly Iouisville is trying to scare the hell out anybody wanting to leave especailly in states the recognize the trust clause to either take the property or get more money.
louisville knows that the marriage thing will pass, and you can bet your backside that they already have a plan in place to deal with the aftermath of the votes. They are running the pcusa as a business, and at this point it’s all about the assets.
PCUSA is getting more desperate as more churches vote to leave. Somehow, they just don’t get it. SO glad my church left for ECO!
This comes as no surprise to anyone who has escaped the PCUSA. After two years of presbytery stonewalling and deception, we just voted to disaffiliate, leading eventually to court-ordered mediation. After all parties including the judge had signed off on the settlement, the presbytery was back in a matter of days trying to squeeze more out of us. It’s who they are.
The pcusa follow its one rules??? They have been walking out of fellowship since 1929, 1967, 2010 and 2014. No way the pcusa will follow their own rules; only if their rules suit them, whatever it is.
Our Lord and Savior said that as much as ye have done it unto the least of these my brothers, ye have done it unto me. How these presbyteries including this one and Grace Presbytery inTexas can look in the mirror and see anything but unChristian conduct is beyond me. May God have mercy on their souls.
I’m so thankful we left the PCUSA. This kind of lying and betrayal were so common. It’s a denomination that is going to die anyway.
Watching the proceedings during the meeting as a visitor, it felt like my entire family was tied up in a car as it was about to go off a cliff. Many of our church members attended and were praying in the back, some in tears. All the memories of worship, and fellowship and history built … everything was so out of our hands … and our family was being decided on by people who knew nothing about us. Especially the most important aspect, that we desire to fellowship and worship God in Spirit and in Truth. A true fellowship cannot exist apart from pure adherence to His Word.
It was shocking to witness the lopsidedness. We were informed that visitors (brown badges) were not allowed to vote or be heard, only those representatives in the presbytery (blue or red badges). This was stated to us prior the meeting. Then a new rule that was stated that had never before been used before was invoked: “If the moderator so chooses to recognize a visitor, then they may address the presbytery.” We were flabbergasted.
Basically, opting to vote to institute an Administrative Committee without due process and analysis of the KGSPC Session, was nothing short of a hostile takeover. To desperately prevent this Nuclear Option (a sypathetic pastor shared that in history past, once the AC is enacted, “Nuclear Option” was used to describe the terrible fallout and utter destruction to function as a church) The former Moderator clearly stated that if we wanted to switch out any of the members of the AC, we had to have their consent and they had to be present. The fact that a vote for putting an AC in place was only given 3 days before! Coincidence?
At the very least, a new motion was requested, that is to postpone the AC until the next presbytery meeting. And we are prayerful that due process will play out for them to understand our cause is just. We want to follow Scripture and obey. Please pray for us. What happens to us can happen to any church. I do not see our request to enter a different Reformed body to be unreasonable.
Other sympathetic pastors and elders to our situation stated some important things:
1. KGSPC in their history has shown herself to be a healthy and living church.
2. To push a vote through to activate an AC without due process is in violation of the PCUSA’s own Book of Church Order. (what was shocking here is to hear the number of people who actually just had the view of expediency and getting things done and that plenty of time had passed.) This is our family that we’re talking about!
3. To reiterate, to hear that description of the “Nuclear Option” was very scary. But even with Gamaliel-like warnings of caution from wise counsel from within, some in the presybtery were still pushing to deny postponement and to push for installing the AC right there! We need more Gamaliels.
Acts 5:34-35 Then stood there up one in the council, a Pharisee, named Gamaliel, a doctor of the law, had in reputation among all the people, and commanded to put the apostles forth a little space;
And said unto them, Ye men of Israel, take heed to yourselves what ye intend to do as touching these men.
A good reminder for all of us and prayer for the Lord’s return:
Revelation 22:18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.
20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
21 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.
This antidemocratic action of that Presbytery demonstrates the lack of respect for procedures and for each member of the PET. Besides it demonstrates that they have no power nor spinal cord to stand up for their decisions. It all amounts to the determination of the GA to do micromanagement instead of allowing each presbytery to act independently as stated. The bottom line is desperation forHe is described as a tall, lean man, with a downcast brow, austere habits, considerable learning, and a smooth, winning address, but quarrelsome disposition. The silence of his enemies conclusively proves that his general moral character was irreproachable. His opponents said that he cherished a personal grudge against Alexander, because he was not himself elected bishop; but the subordination views which he had imbibed in the Antiochian school are sufficient to explain the direction of his development and the course of his life. Pcusa well know that their days are numbered. Thos who stand firm will survive; those who are ambivalent will fly with the wind! The good Lord will always guide his church. Don’t despair, BE FIRM! Blessings to all the faithful!
As I observed the meeting, it appeared that the voters were split nearly half and half over the issue. But it was clear to me that the PET and the ruling body of the synod have set their mind to side with the 9% that wants to stay with the denomination.
A month or two ago, one of the representative from the PET visited the church to give a report on the current status of the matter. She felt extremely aggressive, hostile, and rude towards the majority of the congregation who wanted to leave the denomination. In the Saturday meeting, I was at a loss for words when I found her in the list of recommended members for the Administrative Commission team. Despite the fact that the PET was emphasizing that the proposal to establish the committee was not a disciplinary action and was intended to be in the interest of all parties, actions speak louder than words.
Thanks to many courageous true christians on the floor,we were able to postphone the establshment of Administrative Commission until next Presbytery meeting in May.
Since our session is unanimously united and more than 91% of church members support us, we are not afraid of Presbytery, Synod or GA! We will stand firm knowing that God will be with us!
But they will come back more cunningly and strongly in May. Please remember our case and keep praying for us.
Correction. Presbytery. Not the Synod
Shame on Presbytery on pulling every dirty trick on churches. Why are they even calling this ‘Graceful’ Dismissal Policy when its anything but.
Blessings to you and the brave and faithful Christians who stand firn on the word of God. I’m an elder in a church in P.R and our congregation also asked for dismissal. We will pray for you and ask you to do likewise. It does not matter how cunningly the may return the Lord is greater and more powerful than a group of mercenaries of faith. Just remember that the church of Jesus Christ has aleays prevail against any adversary. History says so and it will prove no different. May God bless your congregation . We join in prayer every evening at 7:00 and Tuesdays at 8:00 P.M.
For the record, my family loves GSPC session. Over two years, my family witnessed that the session of GSPC delightedly and faithfully waited and complied with GDP process from San Gabriel Presbytery. We are talking OVER TWO YEARS! During that time, all members of the session never reached any disagreements or division but they stayed firm in Christ with over 91% of congregation support. As a witness of whole process, I respect their integrity and dedication in the Lord. Please Pray for Korean Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church where true Christian leadership took a place within the setting of overflowing secularism in church polity. Dear Lord! “strengthen my hands” – Nehemiah 6:1-9
Our prayers are with your church.
May I ask which state you are located and name of church, if you don’t mind.
This is nothing but a political campaign. Peter Chung is using media for self-pleasing by telling only one side of the story. It’s a long story.
The session has violated GDP(Gracious Dismissal Policy). The session is hungry for the property. If ECO seeking group has enough followers, then exit quietly. Why argue? GDP says, church voting alone is not a completed process to get entitlement of the property.
I wonder if these people (Peter Chung, session) are church people, or just politicians. This church is becoming a scary place. A place of judgmentalists, legalists, brain-washing, liars, misleading, totalitarianism seeking, segregating. Will ECO welcome this type of church?… Evil smiles for churches splitting.
Those of you who do not know about this church…….. well, I will be careful on writing any comment if I do not know about the whole true story. Let’s not abuse the website!
Dear brother Chung, thanks for your reply. My church is First Presbyterian church at Bayamon Puerto Rico, a colony of the U.S. In the north Caribbean. We are in the middle of a process and tje first congregation in asking dismissal and transfer. Thanks to the Lord for allowing us to join mutually in prayers.
Thanks for posting the comment. You are the only voice of reason distinct from thousands of self righteous frogs in a deep well crying out loud they are the only ones who know God’s truth.
Anyone who expects the PCUSA to behave in a Christ-like manner has just not been paying attention. I am now in the EPC where we enjoy: unity in the essentials of the faith, liberty in the non-essentials, and charity in all things. I pray that the Korean Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church is able to get safely to ECO.
Having gone thru the horrendous “process” myself, Good Smaritan has no chance of securing peaceful resolution. PC USA’s bully tactics as circulated by their legal cousel to all the presbyteries: 1. Identify any disgruntle members in the church (there’s bound to be at least one); 2. Appoint them as “true church;” 3. Assign AC, representing the “true church,” dismissing the existing session and assuming full control of the church; 4. Under the pretense of fairness, invoke the following documentaions: a. Church by-laws, b. Corporation docs, c. Book of order, d. State trust laws; 5. Ultimately use state trust laws to theri advantage (california has “the deference to the mother church” article that favors PC USA); 5. Get into a long and drawn out legal battles, costing $$$$ to bankrupt the church and destroy the morale; 6. Ultimately claim the property and let the “true church” use it. I would not consider ECO as ur alternative. They r disorganized and many disgruntled factions PC USA had joined it. It’s already biased and highly politicized. Go for EPC or PCA if u want to continue seeking God as we all r called to. My prayers r with u in ur unfair and injust predicament.
Btw someone mentioned that PET and synod/ prez reps were aggressive, hostile and rude. U r correct. B/c Hanmi was so corrupt, Synod/GA officials have very negative view on Korean Chs. They look down on Korean churches as some third world backward xns barely breaking out of their infantile stage. They only respect them bc KPCs have numbers and money. This is largely due to the fault of Korean leaders in PC USA. They don’t speak the language so they coward in evry mting/event, always trying to appease their American counterparts by being overtly generous.
Somebody gotta stand up to this bully of the denomination and start speaking the truth in love. Otherwise PC USA will remain hopelessly a lost cause.
Good for u. God bless.
On the roles of prez and Synod…
Prez exists to support and empower individual churches and their missions, not to overpower and usurp authorities. They should stay out of n stop mettling in local church affairs. Synods exist for admin purpose only. They should not have any executive power. pC USA has GA. There’s no reason why synods should still exist. (This is a short gist of why prez and synods exist n not meant to rehash all details outlined in the BOO.)