By Ivey DeJesus, PennLive.
Across Christian denominations, the debate over gay marriage has fundamentally pitted the views of socially progressive – if not radical – congregants and church leaders who are in favor of gay marriage against that of the conservative, evangelical sector that subscribes to a traditional and biblical definition of marriage.
For the most part, proponents of gay marriage have been on the outs – at times waging tough battles that tear churches apart and put their ordination on the line.
In the Presbyterian Church (USA), the tables seemed to have turned. Increasingly, the conservative, evangelical members of the 1.8-million-member mainline Protestant denomination are finding themselves at odds with socially progressive congregations and leadership that seem to have moved in line with the secular world.
Across the country, conservative, evangelical pastors who over the past year have taken a stand against the Presbyterian Church’s ratification of gay marriage are finding themselves forced out the door.
“I was surprised that they would go to such extreme actions. Especially when we are all supposed to have opinions and follow process,” says the Rev. Wayne Lowe, who a few weeks ago was dismissed from the Carlisle Presbytery, the regional governing body of the denomination across central Pennsylvania. “The church voted to say all those things happened, yet there was this other extreme action taken. It’s the full circle. They made it happen.”
Lowe, who subscribes to the traditional and biblical definition of marriage – that of being between a man and a woman – has been outspoken against his denomination’s new direction. As minister of Faith Presbyterian Church in Harrisburg for the past three years, Lowe refused to compromise his religious views, even though his congregants voted to remain under the main umbrella of the church in spite of its recent ruling on gay marriage.
62 Comments. Leave new
This is REALLY surprising! Fascism is not supposed to work this way.
The Layman should go back and publish an article that fills in the considerable number of blanks in this story. Churches never re-new contracts with installed pastors. This is why the Layman has so little credibility. You have not told the whole story. I know this is a re-print, but you owe it to all to seek the details before publishing half of the story.
The pastor’s terms of call are voted on at the Congregation’s annual meeting. A wealthy member who hadn’t attended in months came back for the annual meeting and tried to oust the pastor, but was outvoted by a more than 5 to 1 margin. This person then took his battle to oust the pastor to the presbytery where he got his own way.
Congregations annually under the provisions of G-1.0503 meet for the purpose of “reviewing the adequacy of and approving changes to the terms of call of the Pastor…” I suspect that’s what they are referring to.
A pastors call is renewed or not renewed annually. What church do you attend? The PCUSA is after a money and property grab. If it was about spiritual things it would ” let my people go!” The current trend is to be liked but not right.
The last great broad ideological/theological “purge” of Presbyterian clergy happened of course in late great fundamentalist-modernist flap of the 1920/30s. 2015 is not 1933, nor is the polity of the old, old PC-NA, anything like the current PCUSA. 1. The denomination is far more weak and enfeabled than its 1930s version. 2. In the current polity it is almost impossible to “fire” a pastor against their will. Even in cases of gross misconduct, criminal convictions , the appeals process can take years.
On the surface this sounds like a pastor remits his ordination, one can debate the stresses upon him, and a local church schism, vice some presbytery related purge.
The annual review of terms of call, is just that, annual review. Once the Session passes a budget, that is done deal. Not subject to congregational modifications at the annual meeting. Nor is the pastoral position a matter of action at any standard annual meeting. We are not Baptists that hire/fire clergy at will. Usually in conflictual situations, there far, far more to the story.
Dan—A Pastor’s terms of call are reviewed annually. That implies that a raise is or is not given. That does not refer to termination. There is still something missing or some things missing in this article.
The wealthy member mentioned above did indeed attempt to ‘terminate’ the pastor by refusing to renew his terms of call. Since this member holds an important committee assignment at the presbytery, he used his influence there to have the pastor removed.
The article says that not only was the pastor removed but the session was as well. There is definitely more to this story than we are hearing
A PDF of the presbytery’s side of the story can be found here: Files/2015_04_Spec_Mtg_COM_rpt.pdf
So this pastor got “rightmyered” and that’s a surpise to who? It’s not enought that instead of trimming down the boated beaurocracy that’s the pcusa, they would consider bring back missionaries instead of cleaning house to save money, or the fact that they keep changing the gracious dismissal rules to suit them
The only way they can control those who still hold to traditional marraige is tatics like this, and frankly knowing the louisville sluggers like we do, this is just the start!
Remember First Presbyterian church of Hollywood (Hollywood Presbyterian) where, in 2005, the Presbytery of the Pacific came in and removed Rev. Meenan and Rev. Manock
from the church. The Presbytery then appointed an administrative committee to be over First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood acting in place of the Session.
If higher councils have authority over lower councils in the NewForm of Government, we should be worried. There isn’t any accountability in the PCUSA any more. Chaos reigns.
In order to undestand the depravity to which our beloved Church has fallen, I urge readers to get a copy of the March, 2012, issue of First Things.
The author of the article is Joseph D. Small, director of the Presbyterian Church [USA] Office of Theology and Worship from 1989 to 2022.
Mr Small writes: “The church’s captivity to American society’s legislative and regulatory procedures is reflected by the church’s terminology in the 1980s. For centuries, sessions, presbyteries, synods, and general assembly had been called ‘judicatories.’ The term did not note a judicial court system but rather an assembly
whose task was to inquire into significant matters and reach considered conclusions: to direct, regulate, and manage the affairs
of the institution.”
He goes on to explain the reason that the captivity of the church to
democratic solutions – often by a few votes margin – injures the church.
His reasonable explanation of the current crisis in governance and church life ought to be read by all of us who want to the church to
thrive. But, knowing the rise and falling of institutions, leaves me with the thought: The PCUSA will simply dwindle to a precious few and then when the largess of the saints has been spent, the doors close
without any one noticing.
I would recommend reading the findings of the presbytery commission. In support of their decision to remove the Pastor they note “In being openly vocal about his own theological beliefs, Rev Lowe is not able to embrace the wide range of beliefs of the membership which has further divided the membership” In a denomination which has resisted identifying any essential tenets of the Christian faith, John Shuck’s statement of faith contained in his recent blog post may be what the presbytery was looking for:
Don’t mess with the corporate bosses atop the PCUSA. They’re powerful, they’re sitting on all the cash,they’re vengeful and won’t hesitate to exert their leftist political philosophy and corporate vengeance. They could care less about what those insignificant per capita payees sitting in the pews (or Holy Scriptures) believe.
So I took Andrew up on his recommendation and read the report, and just as I expected, it was the biggest load of crap used to justify going after a “problem” pastor, whose only real mistake was openly talking about leaving the pcusa.
Losing your minister is just the beginning of your local Presbyterian Church’ problems. The presbytery sometimes inflicts punishment (or so it seems) by making the local church wait years until an ordained minister is ‘made available.’ My local Presb. church of 250 members was treated to this abuse about 15 years ago when we scrambled for ‘fill in’ pastors for more than two years while the local presbytery delayed/ignored its search for ‘unknown reasons.’
Exactly right. Before taking action against a pastor like this the presbytery is supposed to meet with the session and the congregation. (BoO G-2.0904) But with the most ‘striking’ example of Orwellian newspeak I’ve ever heard, it decided that they would only meet with the congregation AFTER the pastor was removed.
Um .. no one at the Layman wrote this story, it was linked to from a local newspaper.
If you have a problem with the description of the vote on terms of call, you should contact the writer of the piece at the newspaper where she works.
“The Big Tent Myth” …..
I am sorry that Rev. Lowe had to leave his church for which he was called with one set a values to minister to his flock and the values that he was called for “changed” leaving him lost without a flock to lead for the very reason he was called for, least we forget.
Sorta like he was veted for his views and he was dimissed for his views, his views did not change but upper managment did. God Bless us All during this time of church reform for which not all want to follow… I hope there is a flock for me out there somewhere, where my values can have value because my home church is not the one I joined in the 70’s for sure. Change is not always a good thing but one thing that is constant.
Hollywood Pres is a sad story we would all do well to remember. A once vibrant congregation. I’d imagine it lost 60% or more of its membership.
I hope that Rev.Lowe does start a EPC church in the Harrisburg PA. as there is little tolerance in the PCUSA churches here for those of us that are conservative and adhere to traditional values. Louisville has lost its way as it relates to marriage, abortion and Isreal. Count me in Rev Lowe.
Bill – if you are in the Harrisburg area, you are welcome to join us at Rescue Fire Co. 37, Station 1, 3701 N. 6th St., HBG. We had 80 at our last service. We are still in the process of deciding if we will remain independent or join EPC or ECO.
“Across Christian denominations, the debate over gay marriage has fundamentally pitted the views of socially progressive – if not radical – congregants and church leaders who are in favor of gay marriage against that of the conservative, evangelical sector that subscribes to a traditional and biblical definition of marriage.” Perhaps the real “radicals” are those evangelicals who are terrified of diversity and seem to believe that God stopped speaking to humankind 2000 years ago.
“…evangelicals who are terrified of diversity and seem to believe that God stopped speaking to humankind 2000 years ago.”
Your straw man statements are tiresome and vacuous. Your continued presence on a web site devoted to beliefs you reject can only be classified as trolling.
Bill – forgot to mention the time – 9:30 Sunday mornings. Due to a scheduling conflict we will be meeting at the Friendship Community Center in Lower Paxton township for the May 3 service.
That makes the story even sadder. Thanks for sharing.
If we didn’t trust that God is bigger than the chaos, we would be
left without hope. But hope in God doesn’t dissapoint us!
Keep your eyes open and see.
I looked up Hollywood’s membership numbers. Almost 2,700 in 2004. Just over 1,000 today.
No we don’t think God stopped talking. He’s still talking and telling us the same thing. He’s never changed his mind. He’s not confused. He’s not unsure. He’s not wrestling with any decisions. He’s not looking to us for our opinions and advice. There’s no shadow of turning in Him. He alone is God.
God doesn’t change His mind, but interpretations of His Word by mankind change. “Believers” once rationalized slavery and subjection of women based on their skewed interpretations of scripture.
“Straw man arguments?” Please explain. Honestly, I’ve never understood the concept of “trolling.” Do you only want an echo chamber forum (or should I say “ECO chamber?”) One never learns or progresses without challenge. God gave each of us brains and free will for a reason.
Yes they did. Just as some today rationalize same sex “marriage” by their skewed understanding of Scripture.
Definitions of “straw man” and internet “troll” are readily available on the web. If you familiarize yourself with the definitions, you will see that your statement about evangelicals is a classic example of the former, and your repeated postings on this web site fit the pattern of the latter.
So we take the Whole Counsel of His Word. We don’t cherry pick our favorite verses to rationalize our preferences and ignore or dismiss verses we find unpleasant or uncomfortable. That was the error of slavers and misogynists.
You did not assert some mere interpretational difference but that the dominant camp within the PCUSA has received some “special revelation” spoken by God to them and not to the Church Universal.
Excellent post. Thanks for sharing. In cincinnati, the presbytery refused to approve of a conservative pastor called by the church,. They shut the small church down permanently, saying it was too small. I had felt psychologically abused by the pcusa for years.
Excellent article. Sessions and Presbyteries are now forcing out traditional ministers in what can only be described as a coup. And they are also gladly watching traditional members leave their churches also. They could care less that these members are leaving, We have been bullied and abused by social progressive politics for years and it is tiresome, Doing much better now spiritually after leaving the PCUSA. Same dynamic as getting out of an abusive relationship. We need recovery groups for ex PCUSA members!
Thanks to @Former PcUSA Elder for posting a link to the COM report. While I can only read it through the eyes of a pastor outside that particular Presbytery. I also realize it is the flip side of the story told by the newspaper, therefore it can be as one-sided as the other. IMO, it should send chills up the backs of all pastors who discent from this new human made definition of marriage, and serve congregants who have a diversity of opinion.
This paragraph in particular should be a warning to any PCUSA pastor who holds to the Biblical and Confessional definition of marriage (#2 on page 3):
“Rev. Lowe has allowed his own personal theological beliefs regarding marriage and homosexual relationships to limit his ability to minister to the entire congregation, many of whom do not share his views and beliefs. In being openly vocal about his own theological beliefs, Rev. Lowe is not able to embrace the wide range of beliefs of the membership which has further divided the congregation. Rev. Lowe does not acknowledge the legitimacy of any other viewpoint on this subject; he does not recognize that other viewpoints may be founded in deep theological and biblical convictions.”
Just consider the opening line of this paragraph: “…personal theological beliefs….” When beliefs formed and solidified by the Bible and affirmed by the Confessions are deemed out of order and worthy of exclusion from ministry, a presbytery has sunken to the worse form of a lynch mob.
This opening line is reiterated in all it’s evilness in the closing line of the same short paragraph: “…Lowe does not acknowledge the legitimacy of any other viewpoint on this subject; he does not recognize that other viewpoints may be founded in deep theological and biblical convictions.” Why does he not “recognize (the) other viewpoints may be founded in deep theological and biblical convictions?” Probably because Lowe has suffered through the same silence I had to endure when I asked from the floor of my presbytery: “Please outline the Biblical and Confessional passages which support a definition which reads: “…two people.” All I heard was silence— which this COM report affirms— there is no Biblical or Confessional basis supporting same sex marriage. Yet the smoke screen of “pastoral care” prevails.
Based on this report, I realize my days are numbered. But until then, I will continue to stand with my convictions clearly based on the teachings of the Bible and the Confessions.
By the same reasoning it won’t be long before it will be applied to the same beliefs limiting a pastor’s ability to minister to all people inside–and outside the church.
The main arguments have been around sexuality issues, but the greater sin is deceit and blasphemy. Mark 7:21-23 shows JESUS listing behavior that comes out of people’s hearts and that is where defilement happens.
In that list is the word “deceit” and more and more that is the sin of the General Assembly and these Presbyteries. Their hearts and belief system allow them to orchestrate who goes to GA and votes and now it allows them the arrogance of orchestrating deceitful means to get their way and remove a pastor who is in their way. But make no mistake, it is against GOD that their actions are perpetrated and their hearts are known. Their seemingly win may be their loss in the end. It is a serious thing to hamper God’s will.
For us who ” hear and understand” (Mark 7:14) it is necessary to draw ever closer, abide with diligence, pray with earnestness, watch with wonder,
believe with humility, and act with power all in the Holy Spirit.
God is doing His work in us and we need to lean on JESUS.
“Lynch mob” pretty much sums it up.
Sorry this is misplaced – I meant to reply to
‘Teaching Elder Robert in NE’
PS. Our congregation built a nice two story manse, across the street from our church,for the prospective minister and family; it is considered an upper middle class home. And offered very nice pay package, but strangely the presbytery and others sent us no prospects for nearly three years. Our Presbyterian Church had clean books, was situated in a growing community of more than 5,000, and was near a major metro area. We were told off the record, in private, the presbytery was upset because a couple of our church members offended them. Were also told by ‘higher ups’ our church should ‘wander in the wilderness’ as penance.
It is interesting to note that in 1 Timothy 1:10 Paul includes those who practice homosexuality in the same list with the “enslavers” or “man stealers” among those who are ungodly. So yes, there is a moral equivalency between forced slavery and homosexuality but it isn’t that people erroneously used scripture to justify the former and now do it to erroneously condemn the latter…No. On the contrary, those who used scripture to justify slavery are no different from gays using scripture to justify homosexuality. Both forced slavery and homosexuality are condemned under God’s immutable and eternal moral law as ungodly. There is no way around this moral worldview of the bible.
Pro same-sex marriage advocates love to promote their eisegesis of scripture…but they’re no different from the slavers who also abused scripture to condone their sinful actions.
As a life long member of the PCUSA, I am estranged by the church’s abandonment of God’s authority and teaching through scripture. How is it that the PCUSA has not become an apostate church? How has it not joined itself with Babylon? It is committing spiritual fornication with the secular culture, no longer believes the Gospel, and is making many drunk with its deceptive doctrines.
IMO, generally speaking, I think the sheep are being separated from the goats. Judgement is beginning and the first part of judgement is God leaving the rebellious to their own devices. Approval of gay marriage by church leadership is itself a judgement and it will be a continuing process of deterioration for the denomination.
“I heard another voice from heaven, saying, ‘Come out of her, my people, so that you will not participate in her sins and receive of her plagues…” (Revelation 18:4)
Today, conservative people and ministers will be dismissed from the pcusa, tomorrow the Lawyers charging us with the wrong view of Christianity, and I say, we are in Church-ianity the wrong view already, marsh-mellow so called Christians feeling guilty of the past sins of the church and nation, while in the meantime, those prepared to kill you and me for naming the name of Christ. Is not multi-cultuerism and diversity great producing chaos rather than promoting the Gospel of Christ? Blood will be flowing if we do not stand, taking a Biblical Stand against sin. Do we have the guts to fight for righteousness??? Start new church in an around those pro gay churches, use your homes until a building can be bought, and I suggest NO 501c3 tax exemption, pay taxes, keeping the Fed. Govt from eventually casting the church in jail. Judgement is here, and will increase, and to not understand the times we are in is the greater sin.
I’ve read the report and agree with the decision to remove the pastor. There are valid arguments for those for SSM. However, some conservative people/pastors do not want to acknowledge the other viewpoints. What this pastor is doing is invalidating half of his congregants. My pastor has done the same thing in a high-handed way that. A pastor should be able to speak to both sides of the issues. If the bible was so “clear” then this wouldn’t be an issue. If it is so clear than why are some many faithful, intelligent, educated Christians/pastors divided on this? By the pastor self-righteously claiming on side of the issue without making any room for the other is extremely divisive. There are many pastors out there with their own viewpoints, and are able to lead the church towards unity and reconciliation. This guy can’t and won’t do it.
It is disappointing to read many of the comments on this story.
In doing some research and talking to members of the presbytery a different picture emerges.
Mr. Lowe served a congregation that has a variety of theological, political and social views. The diversity in the congregation may be more pronounced than in most Presbyterian congregations. It is incumbent upon any pastor to show sensitivity to persons in any congregation opinions and theology are different than theirs.
In the case of Mr. Lowe, he served in a manner that was strident and demeaning to those with whom he disagreed. At least half a dozen members had children, and other relatives who are gays and lesbians. This group felt and still feels Mr. Lowe devalued these people.
Further, Mr. Lowe preached many, many times about the evil of gay marriage.
When a minister is called to serve, diplomacy and tact are prerequisites. You can rant and rave all you want about an evangelical being railroaded by the higher ups, the corporates in Louisville, or the presbytery powers, but in the case of Mr. Lowe, his lack of interpersonal skills and pastoral sensitivity doomed him.
If the Bible was clear? You’re joking, right. In general, the side the believes in same-sex marriage does not believe the Bible anyway, so the question of interpretation is really moot. In many issues, the pastor has no obligations to speak from both sides. If the pastor believes that the scripture teaches something, he should be removed if he speaks from both sides. The scriptural arguments for SSM are either weak or non-existent.
Another example, the pastor doesn’t have to represent all sides regarding the deity of Christ and of the incarnation. His job is to preach the truth. Same with regards to the trinity, etc.
That is terrible. A presbytery should never ever do that even if the members offended them greatly.
Thank you for proving my point, and completely invaliding my faith and view of the Bible.
If I wanted a pastor like that then I would have never left the SBC.
Sorry…There are no valid biblical arguments for SSM. Only by throwing out the whole biblical paradigm for the created order and God’s initiative to redeem it can one try, but fail to justify SSM. God’s creative vision and design is built around binaries…in Genesis, night and day, land and sea, heaven and earth, and ultimately, male and female…to Revelation where the marriage of Christ and his church metaphorically represents the new heaven and the new earth.
SSM is incoherent, dissonant, irrational, counterfeit and artificial. The meaning of words and language itself has to be changed, and this is a very dangerous thing to do.
If the pastor is intolerant of this new viewpoint, it is because this viewpoint is irreconcilable with logic and reality. Postmodern relativism where one gets to assign their own meaning to their own narrative has no place in reasonable biblical interpretation and faith.
“For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.” (II Tim. 4.3-4)
“From that time Jesus began to preach, saying, ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.'” (Mt. 4.17)
David, Please— provide “the valid arguments” for SSM as provided by scriptures and the confessions. Specific passages which give clear guidance that two people of the same gender can become “one flesh” would be very helpful. Vague and weak arguments based on human emotion, or the argument that the church used to endorse sinful acts such as slavery, racism, or sexism, are not helpful. We have heard all of them. While human emotions are a valid point to raise, they can never trump the inherent truths given by God in scripture. In the same way, misguided civil law cannot void Godly precepts. An argument I continuously heard here in New England by Presbytery commissioners was: “The laws of our states permit SSM, therefore we must comply.” This is NOT a biblical nor a confessional argument for SSM. Instead it is a human emotional response. I look forward to hearing your valid arguments for SSM.
Mark Achtemeier’s book does an excellent job articulating my journey of accepting SSM. My story parallels his. I highly doubt it would make any difference to the Laymanites.
Specifically, which scripture passages and portions of the confessions does Achtemeier cite as supporting SSM?
David, It does make a difference— this is why I have asked repeatedly at my presbytery for scriptural and confessional support for SSM. Unfortunately I was never given an answer other then ones based on human emotion or civil law support— which does not answer my question. I’m not against those answers for they do provide support for any grouping of people to join together for mutual support and protection under the civil laws of the land— but “civil law” cannot provide support and endorsement for a new definition of “Christian marriage.”
I could not find samples of Mark Achtemeier’s book on line but found a review by a retired Adventest pastor Claude Steen( who quoted and wrote about these scripture passages: “In Genesis 2:18 the Creator says “It is not good for the man to be alone,” a clear reference to a life-long, intimate relationship. The Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 7:6-9 recommends (but does not command) the celibate life for those who have that gift from God, adding, “one has this gift, another has that.” And in 1 Corinthians 12:11 he teaches that the Holy Spirit, not a church council, decides which person receives which gift. ”
IMO, while such passages could support a same sex couple’s desire to have the same civil law privileges and protections as do a heterosexual married couple, they do not describe nor support a change in the definition of a Christian marriage, which is clearly aimed at procreation and the building of family.
David, can you elaborate further?
I am a member of the congregation and the claim that “Mr. Lowe preached many, many times about the evil of gay marriage” is simply not true – an absolute fabrication. He was honest about his position but said many times that we can disagree and still be friends. It was the so-called “progressives” that would simply not tolerate any other point of view.
“The Church” is in fact not a denomination or a building; it is individuals who gather to worship. PCUSA is but a denomination with no basis in Scripture to validate their existence. They are a totally man made entity. Given their clear disobedience to God’s Word, overbearing behavior, greed and avarice, to the smaller Home Churches which do have biblical validation one must wonder what God does PCUSA worship? Because if parts of Scripture contains errors and some content is not to be obeyed then they might as well replace the cross with a golden calf to worship. God did not provide for change and partial obedience. In fact he wrote about false teachers and wolves in sheep’s clothing and clearly stated many professed believers will not enter into heaven because of their disobedience and folly.
It appears that the golden idol today is in fact the PCUSA oligarchy, and Rev. Lowe is to be commended for maintaining his obedience to God. The real tragedy is those who refuse to obey and stay will be judged at the throne; did they obey the God of Scripture (the grand revelation) or man’s interpretation or idea of a modern god? They certainly cannot be the same.
To me, marriage is between a woman and a man–not two men–not two women.
Evangelicals on the wrong side of marriage??? Ha, look who is calling the kettle black. For those bleeding hearts,
guilty do gooders liberal whites, chickens have now come to roost, and more of the same in the years to follow. Is
not multiculturalism and diversity wonderful?? Selling
yourself out for a bowl of oats. Remember Jacob and Esau??
An open letter to Pastor Wayne Lowe:
I grew up with Faith Presbyterian Church for nearly 15 years, and my formative experiences there make the cornerstone of my moral values–values like humility, forgiveness, and radical compassion, which I think are sadly missing in secular society. I also strongly agree with the PC(USA) policy of mutual forbearance. I think is necessary in a world of changing societal values. This isn’t a liberal/conservative issue, and in fact I think most cultural progressives can learn a lot from the concept of mutual forbearance.
I am deeply hurt that your church leadership caused division with this community because of your disagreement with the policy of mutual forbearance. There are high emotions on both sides of a lot of cultural issues, and it takes strong leadership to act as a neutral party to guide discussion of one of understanding rather than one of drawing battle-lines. Telling people that they need to abandon the denomination that they have chosen and change the culture of their own community (one of tolerating different interpretations of the scriptures) is not an act of love.
I will remind you here that people once made the same arguments about women in ministry that you are now making about gay marriage, and that there are many Presbyterian denominations that still not not allow women in leadership positions for these reasons. I say this not because I am trying to alter your views on the scriptures, only to point out that PC(USA) believes there is room ambiguity.
I wish you luck with the formation of your own church and hope that you can form a community that is more consistent with your own values, since you clearly do not share the values of PC(USA) and many of us whose lives have been shaped by it. However, I hope you do refrain from slandering the Presbytery of Carlisle and the community at Faith in the media and your communication. We live in a time when there is a painful lack of empathy and understanding in the world. Communities are breaking apart, and relationships are fraught with new tensions. I believe that spiritual leaders have a duty to heal these wounds. I hope you do too.
Peace be with you,
Valerie Lute