It’s a new year, and that is worth celebrating. The Journal of Clinical Psychology published a study in December of 2012 reporting that of the 45 percent of Americans who make New Year’s resolutions, less than half of them follow through past the six month mark. While some may consider this a failed resolution, I personally think that an almost 50 percent follow-through rate is a pretty good result.
The real problem for most of us may be that we don’t care to make New Year’s resolutions; therefore, we don’t have a clear understanding of what we are trying to achieve or accomplish throughout the year. Many times we are charged with being too proactive in our work lives, yet fall prey to becoming reactive in our personal lives. If you don’t know where the target is, chances are you’ll never hit it.
The key to setting and accomplishing goals for 2014 and beyond can be found in Matthew 6:33, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. (ESV)” For the New Year, I propose a set of three goals that will help us all in leading a more meaningful and religiously prosperous life: grow your faith; restore your personal relationship with God; and develop more meaningful, faith-based relationships with others.