There are times I wish we could capitalize letters verbally.
One of the main speakers at a conference I attended this week stated his case, including some lines about “the church shrinking these days.” Did he mean his local church, lowercase c? Or did he mean the great, grand, beautiful capital C Church, the one encompassing millions of believers the world over, the one that has lasted for generations and generations, withstood dark ages and bright ones, the one Jesus said he would build and nothing would prevail against? I don’t know, and the comment wasn’t clarified. But recently I read an article about why millennials are leaving the church, and my heart had the same reaction.
Whose church are we talking about here?
And, maybe more specifically, whose Bible are we reading here?
The great debate is whether we conform our churches (local) to the wind blowing through culture, conforming our language, tone, and practice to what the culture oracles demand; or whether we, against our natural drift toward sinfulness and selfishness, stand firm and build our local churches around the core tenets of the Word of God.
So maybe the question I want to really ask is this: whose Jesus are you following?