By Dana Allin, ECO blog.
David Garrison has a new book coming out in January 2014 called A Wind in the House of Islam. In this book he looks at Christian movements in the Muslim world. He classifies a movement as at least 1,000 baptisms or 100 new churches started from one source. He notes there have only been a handful of such movements from 1600-1980. However in the last 20 years there have been 70 well documented independent movements of this magnitude. His point? The Spirit of God is blowing in some unique and powerful ways in the Muslim world.
Exploring partnerships for ECO in the Middle East
Earlier this month I had the opportunity to travel with a few others to the Middle East on a vision trip to see how ECO might be called to join with the Holy Spirit in this movement in the Muslim world. We met with many pastors, church planters, and Christian business leaders to learn first hand what God was doing. There were several things I was amazed by.
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Even more earth-shattering is the work of Iris Ministries in Mozambique among Muslims who had been considered “unreachable” by many mission agencies. In the last 16 or 17 years, Heidi and Rolland Baker have seen over 10,000 churches started, with over 1 million people saved, countless numbers healed by the power of God, and even some raised from the dead (may be difficult for Westerners to believe). Take a look at what they are doing at