Abortion: A pastor’s plea to not sit on the sidelines and hope this horrific genocide of the unborn works itself out
By Matt Chandler, World Magazine
Jan. 22 will be the 41st anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision. Our Saturday Series this month will have sermons and articles related to abortion. To start the month off, here is an excerpt from a sermon preached by Matt Chandler last year on the day before Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Chandler is the lead pastor of teaching at The Village Church in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex and president of the Acts 29 Network of churches. —Marvin Olasky
If you’re a young woman in here, or maybe an older woman—I didn’t say old; I said older woman—and you were pregnant in your first or second trimester, and you were driving toward the abortion clinic to have an abortion, and on the way to the abortion clinic you were hit by a drunk driver, that person is charged with involuntary manslaughter of your baby. But if you make it to the clinic, the doctor in the clinic is legally allowed to take a vacuum pump and rip that baby to shreds in your womb.
This is a seared conscience. This is madness, and this is the air we breathe as a society and a culture. So what are we to do? I think looking back on history there are these moments in time that I’m so baffled by why more people weren’t in the fight. Several years ago I was preaching out of the book of Colossians. We got to that part near the end of Colossians—Chapter 3, I believe—where he begins to say, “Slaves, be obedient to your masters.”