By Mark Tooley, Juicy Ecumenism blog
A new Pew survey shows overwhelming majorities of Americans believe in the historical actuality of the Christmas story, including the Virgin Birth, the angels appearing to shepherds and the Wise Men following the star to Bethlehem. These majorities include young and old, Catholic and Protestant, black and white, male and female, even large numbers of the religiously unaffiliated.
Some have sardonically noted that the “war on Christmas” has been decisively lost. Meanwhile manger scenes continue to appear on public spaces (now sometimes accompanied by Satanic displays in a perverse bid for diversity), and shopping malls are filled with piped in Christmas hymns.
The Christmas Pew poll might surprise many secularists and religious alike, both of whom too often subscribe to the myth, peddled by popular and high culture, that America is more and more secular as part of an arc of historical inevitability.
Related article: Most say religious holiday displays on public property are OK
1 Comment. Leave new
The pcusa located at Louisville, KY need to know about the Virgin Birth, Virgin that is, not some single homeless woman having baby Jesus.