Two Trussville Presbyterian churches have merged.
Eastminster Presbyterian Church on U.S. Highway 11 and Grace Presbyterian Church on Deerfoot Parkway began worshipping at Grace’s location May 19, a “significant milestone in our two-year effort towards congregational merger,” according to the Eastminster website.
Eastminster Presbyterian Church Administrator Connie Logan, also a musician, said Sunday morning worships will continue at Grace Presbyterian, as will choir practices on Wednesdays. Eastminster will be used for youth programs, Zumba workouts, Friday Night Live, Cub and Boy Scouts, Bible studies and AA meetings, among other events, Logan said.
The merger came about in part due to churches in general having a hard time these days with offerings down. The Eastminster congregation is largely made up of older people and teenagers, while Grace’s congregation is made up of more young adults. The combination makes for a “good mix,” Logan said.
Grace Presbyterian has a “giant” and “beautiful” worship facility, while Eastminster has a gymnasium, Logan said.
“It just seemed like a good fit,” Logan said, noting that the two churches are combining to make “one strong church.”
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Many faithful members of eastminster are now floating around, un-churched and disillusioned . Some keep asking “What happened to our beautiful (friendly) church. Well! Mistakes were made and some of the most vocal members refused to forgive the other. Hatred built up and the almost all female elders led the congregation to close the doors, fire the evangelical pastor and “merge”. The perfect fit comes mainly from the facts that Grace church has a huge debt it cannot make payments on while eastminster sits on land that has greatly appreciated since it relocated from Second Avenue south…a downtown black area
The theological problems did not impact this “merger” directly but did result in the leaving of many of the larger gifting member families earlier. When he executive presbyter came to visit one Wednesday evening, he was unable to affirm faith in Jesus as the only way to heaven. That pushed the snowball and membership declined,