By Samuel Smith, Christian Post.

(Photo: FRC/Brynne Krispin) Former Rep. Frank Wolf, R-Va., speaks at a Family Research Council panel discussion on international religious freedom in Washington, D.C. on April 6, 2016. Wolf was joined on the panel by Hardwired Global’s Tina Ramirez, former Pakistani Parliament member Pervez Rafique and Georgetown professor Dr. Thomas Farr (not pictured).
Former Congressman Frank Wolf believes that the rise of radical Islamic terrorism around the globe is an indication that World War III has arrived, yet the United States government is doing little to nothing to address the threat of jihad.
In a panel discussion focusing on religious freedom and Islamic violence across the world hosted by the Family Research Council on Wednesday, Wolf stressed that the Obama administration and Congress are standing idle while terrorist groups like the Islamic State (IS), Boko Haram, the Taliban, Al Shabaab and others continue to commit atrocities against religious minorities worldwide.
Wolf, the former Republican representative for Virginia’s 10th Congressional district who is known as a leading advocate for international human rights, followed up on a comment by fellow panelist Thomas Farr, the director of Georgetown University’s Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs.
“I agree with the pope, we are in World War III,” Wolf said, explaining that more members of Congress need to visit victims displaced by Islamic terror and listen to the first-hand stories of rape, torture and mutilation.
“President Reagan said the words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence were a covenant, not only to the people in Philadelphia in 1776 and in 1787,” Wolf continued. “We are violating the covenant.”
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I have been saying this since 9/11/01. Glad a member of Congress has picked up on it. At the General Assembly Council meeting around that date, Marj Carpenter opined that the PC(USA)’s pacifistic stance calling for reduced armaments and intelligence funding may make the PCUSA somewhat responsible for those attacks. Her comment was reported in The Laymen at that time…as was the Council’s silence on that matter.
Sura 9 of the Qu’ran says that Christians who do not convert to Islam should be killed.
There is no better place for Muslims to find Christians to kill than in church on Sunday morning. We have see what happened at San Bernardino. One can not count on the federal government to protect us. Churches of every denomination should consider their church security and what steps are necessary.