“Where’s Carmen?” is a question that I’ve been hearing with increasing frequency from friends in all branches of the Presbyterian family. The answer is: On the radio! Every weekday from 3-4 p.m. Eastern time, streaming on the internet and available 24-7 via podcast at ReconnectWithCarmen.com.
Every day on The Reconnect we reconnect the eternal with the everyday, equipping listeners to serve as effective Ambassadors of the Kingdom of God in the kingdoms of this world. So many of our conversations are marked by giving people a piece of our mind when what they really need is the peace of the mind of Christ. So, we help listeners cultivate the mind of Christ on the matters of the day and then communicate in ways that honor Jesus.
For example, “fake news” is a term that entered our lexicon in 2016. Intentionally false stories with click-bait headlines were shared millions of times in the run up to the U.S. Presidential election. Some people are trying to stop the spread of fake news whilst others fan the flame and expand the meaning as if anything with which we disagree is now fake news. What is the Christian worldview on that? How does a Christian address and deal with the issue of fake news in our post-truth culture?
We declare that Truth, along with goodness and beauty, are the three transcendental virtues defined by God. People may debate what is virtuous but without an immovable eternal standard (God), morality devolves to the least common denominator. In that devolution truth is suppressed and goodness is perverted and beauty is distorted. In the midst of that reality those who follow Jesus, who is the way and the truth and the life, are challenged to shine like stars, holding out the Word of Truth as living demonstrations of the Gospel.
That kind of witness needs constant encouragement and that’s what we do every day on The Reconnect.
We encourage listeners to live in the freedom real truth provides and take God back into every conversation, representing God’s eternal perspective in the matters of the day.
To share more with you about what we’re doing and why we’re doing it, join me on one of our upcoming Ask Carmen conference calls:
April 3 at 11:30 am Eastern, 10:30 Central, 9:30 Mtn, 8:30 Pacific
April 6 at 6 pm Eastern, 5 Central, 4 Mtn, 3 Pacific
April 10 at 12:30 pm Eastern, 11:30 Central, 10:30 Mtn, 9:30 Pacific
April 13 at 6 pm Eastern, 5 Central, 4 Mtn, 3 Pacific
RSVP for one of the above days and times by calling 1-800-368-0110, emailing jlee@layman.org or by visiting http://tinyurl.com/CarmenCall
On the day of the call, at the appointed time, you will join by calling 319-527-2829 and entering Passcode 763026.
I look forward to talking with you and fielding your questions!