What are you wearing for Halloween? While the election is still three weeks away, Donald Trump seems to be winning one particular contest: Trump costumes are out-selling Clinton costumes “by a landslide,” according to a recent headline in the NY Post.
The article states:
The store’s mouth-agape Billionaire Tycoon latex mask for $29.99 is outselling Clinton faces 40 to 1, he said.
A buck-toothed Trump mask and one with pursed lips are also huge sellers.
Trump accessories — the comb-over Election Wig for $24.99, orange Ben Nye foundation for $5.99, and $14.99 Make America Great Again caps — are also making registers ring.
Also for sale: tiny plastic Trump hands, for $5.99.
The Halloween before an election year always means a high proportion of politically-related costumes. Many stores even report much higher sales during a presidential election cycle.
So as many people are thinking about, talking about and planning how they want to dress up this year, we can remember the daily reality of the Christian is much more than dress up but there are parallels to be drawn.
Every day as Christians, we go out into the world representing someone other than ourselves. But we are not wearing a costume as we do it. We are literally clothed with Christ.
Taking off the old nature, we put on things of the new nature — the likeness of Christ. Our hope is to be out there in the world, not with a costume, but fully clothed in Christ.
What does that look like? I found more than 75 “put off” and “put on” statements in the Bible. Here are a few:
- Put off bitterness (Heb 12:15) … and put on tenderhearted and forgiving attitudes (Eph 4:32).
- Put off a lack of love (1 John 4:7) … and put on love (John 15:12).
- Put off unforgiving spirit (Mark 11:26) … and put on forgiveness (Col. 3:13).
- Put off judging (Matt 7:1-2) … and put on allowing God to search our hearts (John 8:9).
- Put off pride (Prov 16:5) … and put on humility (James 4:6).
- Put off boasting and conceit (1 Cor 4:7) … and put on esteeming others (Phil 2:3).
- Put off gossip (1 Tim 5:13) … and put on edifying speech (Eph 4:29).
- Put off jealousy (Gal 5:26) … and put on trust (1 Cor 13:4).
- Put off critical spirit (Gal 5:15) … and put on kindness (Col 3:12)
- Put off idle words (Matt 12:36) … and put on a bridled tongue (Prov 21:31).
- Put off wrath (James 1:19-20) … and put on a soft answer (Prov 15:1).
- Put off discontentment (Heb 13:5) … and put on contentment (1 Tim 6:8).
The things we need to put off are off-putting when it comes to Christian living. Once we are aware of our sin and Christ’s offer to cover us, we want to share the good news of that grace with everyone. But our old self is still a put off! The good news is that Jesus has got you covered.
Have you ever been at a dinner or event and then realize you forgot your wallet? It is anxiety-inducing. The response to that, someone might say, “I got you covered.”
God has us covered eternally and ultimately. He has provided, through the death and resurrection of His Son Jesus Christ, the ultimate covering for sin. We are separated from God by the chasm of sin, and in response, God says, I’ve got you covered.
He has us covered from the penalty of sin in death. And from the pain of sin during this life. We can take off the guilt and shame and pain of sin that burdens and put on the glorious resurrection and life of Jesus Christ. He’s got you covered.
Because we live within the promise of that covering— we desire to be covered in the things of Christ. This is the process of sanctification that takes our entire life. In this process we put off the things of the world, to put on the things of His kingdom to be His faithful representatives.
So during the season of costumery, let’s be challenged to go dressed — not just in a costume — but in the covering of Christ.
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[…] called to each day put off the things of our sinful nature and to put on Christ. Carmen LaBerge put together (pun intended) a list of what we are to put off and put on and it includes such things […]