By Samuel Smith, The Christian Post

These Christian women were chained and forced to wear veils by ISIS militants in Iraq. (PHOTO: TWITTER)
A United Nations report highlighting the human rights violations of the Islamic State’s jihadist campaign in Iraq found that while over 24,000 Iraqi civilians have been injured or killed by ISIS in the first eight months of 2014, and the extremists have taken up the practices of recruiting 12- and 13-year-old soldiers and forcing women and girls into sex slavery.
The UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in conjunction with the UN Assistance Mission in Iraq released a report last Thursday that investigated ISIS’ violations of human rights by conducting interviews with over 500 internally displaced witnesses. The witnesses told the UN investigators of the atrocious ways in which the terrorists were killing, kidnapping and persecuting citizens of all religious beliefs, including those holding ISIS’ own faith of Sunni Islam.
Using information obtained from a variety of governmental, non-governmental and local media sources, the report states that in the first eight months of 2014, ISIS terrorist and militants from associated groups have killed approximately 8,493 Iraqi civilians, while injuring 15,782.
Many of the casualties occurred in the final two months of the reporting as 11,159 casualties and 4,692 deaths were reported from June 1 until Aug. 31, the time period in which ISIS was able to seize the majority of Iraq’s northern Nineveh province.
“The actual numbers could be much higher,” the report states. “Additionally, the number of civilians who have died from the secondary effects of violence, such as lack of access to basic food, water or medicine, after fleeing their homes or who remained trapped in areas under ISIL control or in areas of conflict are unknown.”
Related article and video
From CNN: ISIS states its justification for the enslavement of women
2 Comments. Leave new
So where is the outrage about this obvious “War On Women” from the PCUSA and other mainline denominations? I guess their Progressive handlers in the USA political structure haven’t given them the go-ahead. I wonder when it will dawn on them that if these monsters ever get control of the place where they live they will be among the first to either be chained up in a burka or beheaded.
America trained the ISIS leader and other terrorists, and funded them, so they can promote their ideology of the fake “war on terror”. So ultimately the US government are responsible for the creation of ISIS and the persecution of innocent Muslims and Christians. ISIS and the US government belong to the devil, and will have their place in the lake of fire with the devil, unless they repent and receive Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. To those forced into slavery, and who are being persecuted including Muslims, accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, and do what Jesus has told you to do – Love your enemy, and serve them, and bless them when they curse you, for when you do this you are blessed, but you pour hot coals upon the heads of your enemy. Remember this, “hate and no mercy has no place in the hearts of those who truly love and serve God.” God is Love, the devil is hate. Love God, and shame the devil by showing love, mercy, and forgiveness with a servant heart.