By Barbara Rybolt, Independent Press (New Jersey)

The Presbyterian Church at New Providence is located at 1307 Springfield Ave. (Barbara Rybolt | Independent Press)
Members of the Presbyterian Church of New Providence face a big decision in the coming months — whether to leave their current denomination or join another one.
Currently and historically the church is a member of the Presbyterian Church (USA). The leaders of the local church, called the session, have for the last two years been working and praying over whether to leave their current denomination and join a new group, ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians, said Presbyterian Church of New Providence Senior Pastor Jeff Ebert.
While the final decision is up to the congregation, there is a process involved in leaving and, recently, the session asked “the Presbytery of Elizabeth to appoint a resolution team to work through the process of Gracious Dismissal,” said Cheryl Galan, the Presbytery’s Transitional Leader.
The New Providence Church is just one of many across the county whose pastors and church leaders are contemplating such a move. In New Jersey, The First Presbyterian Church of Dunellen has already left the Elizabeth Presbytery, which is headquartered in Plainfield, and joined the ECO denomination and the Presbyterian Church of Liberty Corner in Basking Ridge is going through the process of leaving.
Pinning down the precise reasons behind the schism is difficult and depends upon who is speaking or writing on the topic.
3 Comments. Leave new
One of the hardest decisions that a local Body of Christ has to make is this–Because of changing trends, is it now time for us to leave the denomination and to seek another? This decision cannot be made lightly. It will require much prayer and thought.
As one author said “these are times that try men’s souls:. And yet, the Body of Christ must remain strong and true. There is too much at stake.
The same sex marriage issue is not the only one dividing us. The other is abortion.
I spent years and countless GA meetings as a Board member of PPL (Pesbyterians Pro Life) fighting to protect innocent human beings from the being brutally murdered in utero, a procedure akin to being hung drawn and quartered, by being literally torn apart limb from limb without even the benefit anesthesia all in the name of “freedom of choice”. The PCUSA literally has the blood of millions of innocent babies on their hands. The PCUSA Has gone over to the dark side and is totally beyond redemption.
They have the blood of millions on their hands. May God have mercy on their souls.
Alex F. Metherell, PhD, MD
Elder and former Commissioner to the General assembly of the PCUSA
Galatians 1:6-10! The PC USA has left the gospel, and when you leave the gospel, you leave God. The Denomination is accursed…that is what the Apostle Paul would say about it, for they are certainly not preaching the gospel once delivered to the saints.