Re: “Denver clergyman called out on ‘Jewish problem,’ “July 13 guest commentary; and “Israel must stop the slaughter in Gaza,” July 20 guest commentary.
The Denver Post recently published commentaries about the Presbyterian Church regarding Israel and Palestine. While acknowledged that opinions expressed were those of individuals, the Presbytery of Denver wishes to clarify the official position of the denomination.
The 221st General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church took action regarding investments in three specific American corporations. This vote is one of many actions regarding Israel and Palestine over the past decade. The church has a confirmed history of supporting the right of Israel to exist as a nation and the need to protect that right. It consistently affirms our commitment to peacemaking and a two-state solution.
We continue to invest in peaceful initiatives in both Israel and Palestine. The General Assembly did not vote, in any way, to boycott or sanction Israel; it voted to divest stock holdings in three American corporations which are doing business with Israel to provide equipment which aids in acts of destruction and violence in Palestinian territory.
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Presbytery of Denver :”with Israel to provide equipment which aids in acts of destruction and violence in Palestinian territory.”
Yeah right, those poor victims called hamas that vows the destruction of Israel, Israel is so mean to them.
Just like louisville, shut the #%!! up, and leave foreign policy to the people who know what they are talking about!
“Presbytery of Denver :”with Israel to provide equipment which aids in acts of destruction and violence in Palestinian territory.”
The land belongs to Israel given as prophecy to Abraham, therefore, the illegals are Hamas, and others thinking the land is there’s.. For the non-readers this prophecy is in the Holy Bible.
Equipment from Caterpillar is used primarily in the occupied West Bank, often near or providing expansion for the so-called settlements. In the West Bank the Palestinian Authority is controlled by the Fatah party, not Hamas.
Clearly we are different sides on this, hamas are still the ones who attacked Israel to begin with, until the palestinians get hamas out for good, they own this problem. Fatah party is not that much better, but at least it’s a start. We as a church have NO reason to back the palestinians until THEY get rid of hamas. But throwing Israel under the bus, count me out.
James H,
Your comment was directed at the GA action, which in the case of Caterpillar had little or nothing to do with Hamas
Finding original fault and who “attacked” whom is a fruitless endeavor. The Israeli government knew full well that arresting hundreds of suspected Hamas sympathizers and the associated deaths of several people would inevitably draw some response from Hamas, albeit the usual feeble one of rockets that very seldom if ever find a target. The Israeli government would of course claim that was in response to the murder of three Israeli teenagers. Although no proof was offered of any Hamas involvement in that incident, even if there were such evidence Hamas could cite the deaths of 50 Palestinian children killed over the previous 30 months, the last two in May, where a store security camera showed the boys shot and killed by the IDF at some distance while they calmly were crossing a street near Beitunia.
Hamas and the Netanyahu government are in a state of mutual dependency in which the continued intransigence of the one is necessary for the continued existence of the other.
No one is saying that Israel is a bunch choir boys, what I’m saying is that until PA get rid of hamas, who during the last 2 years have managed construct a very elaborate tunnel system used to attack Israel and to transport weapons.
Our actions at the GA was a slap in the face of Israel, although I understand Israel seems to be heavy handed in their response, but they are having to clean up a bad situation that the palestinians should have never let take place to begin with. I do feel for the palestinian Chrisitians who are caught in this.