A distinguished group of scholars will be gathering to discuss the past and future of American Presbyterianism at the annual Presbyterian Scholars Conference, Oct. 19-20 at the Harbor House at Wheaton College, in Wheaton, Ill.
The conference includes a 25th Anniversary round table discussion of Bradley J. Longfield’s The Presbyterian Controversy.
World renowned historian George Marsden will take part in the round table discussion, along with Dr. Michael Bush, pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Athens, Ala., and Dr. Darryl Hart, distinguished visiting professor of history at Hillsdale College on On Oct. 19. Marsden is an influential historian of American Christianity. His biography of Jonathan Edwards won virtually every major historical prize, including the Bancroft Prize, the Merle Curti Award, the Philip Schaff Prize, and the Eugene Genovese Prize. Among his other books are The Soul of the American University, Religion and American Culture, and Fundamentalism and American Culture. Marsden is professor of history emeritus at the University of Notre Dame. He is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
This is the ideal conference for scholars, pastors, seminarians, graduate students or laypeople who want a better understanding of Presbyterian history. Specific attention will be given to the problem of secularization within Presbyterianism and the hope of evangelical renewal and reform.
Lectures during the two-day event include:
- Lecture #1: “Presbyterians and the Mainstream in the United States;” Dr. Darryl G. Hart, Distinguished Visiting Professor of History, Hillsdale College
- Lecture #2: “Property (Mis)Trust: The Dilemma of Presbyterian Assets in Church and Court,” Michael Bush, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Athens, Ala.
- Lecture #3: “Restoring the Ethic of Love: George Eldon Ladd’s Call to Civility in Evangelical Scholarship,” Dr. John D’Elia, President and Professor of Christian History and Culture New Seminary of the West, Calif.
- Lecture #4: “Where (in the world) is the One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church?” Joseph Small, Adjunct Professor of Ministry, University of Dubuque Theological Seminary Former Director of the Office of Theology and Worship Presbyterian Church (USA)
- Lecture #5: “W. Stanford Reid’s Vision of an Academic Reformed Historian in a Mainline Denomination,” A. Donald MacLeod, Research Professor of Church History Tyndale Theological Seminary (Toronto, Canada), President of the Canadian Society of Presbyterian History
- Lecture #6: “Evangelical Brotherhood: Reformed Christianity in Colonial America,” Dr. Bradley Longfield, Dean and Professor of Church History, University of Dubuque Theological Seminary
- Lecture #7: “Between The Old and New Princeton: J. Gresham Machen’s Early Years,” Dr. Richard Burnett, Executive Director of Theology Matters
- Lecture #8: “Forgotten Presbyterians: The Contribution of Evangelical UPCNA Scholars, 1913-1950,” Dr. Jeffrey McDonald, Affiliate Professor of Church History, Sioux Falls Seminary, Omaha campus, Pastor, Avery Presbyterian Church, Bellevue, Neb.
A group discussion on the future of renewal in American Presbyterianism will be held on Oct. 20. The conference agenda can be found here.
Various Presbyterian denominations will be represented at the conference including the Presbyterian Church (USA), the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and the Presbyterian Church in Canada.
To register please contact Dr. Jeff McDonald at jsmcdonald@unomaha.edu, or by calling (402) 682-1439.
Cost is $30.00 (payable at the conference) and includes three meals plus refreshments. The conference hotel is the Hampton Inn-Carol Stream, Illinois. Please ask for the Wheaton College discount when making reservations.
This is not a function of Wheaton College.
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No Women a Theologians?
I am exactly sure of the presence of scholars or representatives of the PCUSA. The governing matrix or bureaucracy to date has shown little to now interest in either the systemic depopulation, death, of the church or even ponder to reflect on the causes. Their resignation to their own fate to date, has been sanguine, to chose a term.
If they are seeking understanding of the PCUSA from a “forensic” , post death, or ask the “why” question then the gathering has general relevance. But much like the Angel at the Tomb, “why seek the living among the dead.” Or in the case of the PCUSA, why seek the dead amonst the living.