The annual Presbyterian Scholars Conference will be held Oct. 17-18 at the Harbor House at Wheaton College, in Wheaton, Ill.

Dr. Mark A. Noll
Dr. Mark Noll, the Francis A. McAnaney Professor of History Emeritus at the University of Notre Dame and Research Professor of History, Regent College, Vancouver, will be speaking at the conference.
Dr. C. Hassell Bullock, Professor of Old Testament Emeritus, Wheaton College and Former President of the Evangelical Theological Society, will begin the program at 9 a.m. Oct. 17 with a welcome and prayer.
The distinguished panel of scholars and the lectures they will give at the two-day event include:
- “The Challenges and Opportunities of Presbyterian Theological Education,” Dr. William Robinson, President Emeritus, Whitworth University, Washington, Trustee, Princeton Theological Seminary
- “Jonathan Edwards Experiments with Covenant Theology,” Dr. Michael Bush, Pastor, Pisgah Presbyterian Church, Versailles, Kentucky, Vice-President of Theology Matters
- “Wynn Kenyon, the Lingering Legacy of the UPCNA, and the 1970s Presbyterian Battle for the Bible,” Dr. Jeff McDonald, Pastor, Avery Presbyterian Church, Bellevue, Nebraska Affiliate Professor of Church History, Sioux Falls Seminary-Omaha campus
- “The Neglected Wisdom and Witness of Evangelical Presbyterian James Orr (1844-1913): An Exercise in Theological Retrieval,” Dr. Glen Scorgie, Professor of Theology, Bethel Seminary, San Diego
- “William P. Merrill, the Brick Church, and the Fundamentalist/Modernist Conflict,” Dr. Bradley J. Longfield, Professor of Church History, University of Dubuque Theological Seminary
- “B.B. Warfield’s Study Abroad, 1876/77,” Dr. Bradley Gundlach, Professor of History, Trinity College, Deerfield, Illinois
- “Two Kingdoms, One Lord, Every Square Inch: Presbyterians and Culture,” Dr. Darryl G. Hart, Distinguished Associate Professor of History, Hillsdale College
- “Bruce Metzger: Evangelist, Teacher, and Historian,” Mr. John Mackay Metzger, Author of The Hand and the Road: The Life and Times of John A. Mackay
- “W. Stanford Reid and the Importance of Reformation History for Mainline Protestantism Today,” Dr. A. Donald MacLeod, Research Professor of Church History, Tyndale Seminary, Toronto, President of the Canadian Society of Presbyterian History
- Roundtable Discussion on A. Donald MacLeod’s W. Stanford Reid: An Evangelical Calvinist in the Academy, winner of the Donald Grant Creighton Award for Best Biography (Ontario Historical Society) and the T. Melville Bailey Award (Canadian Society of Presbyterian History).
- “The words before the Word: Tracing Calvin’s Prefaces in Reformed Bibles,” Dr. Jennifer Powell McNutt, Associate Professor of Theology and History of Christianity, Wheaton College
- “Source, Supplement, or Subversive? The Holy Spirit and Presbyterianism,” Dr. Richard Burnett, Executive Director and Editor, Theology Matters
- “Chalmers, Hodge, Thornwell, Grant, Sun Chu Kil: Is there anything common about Presbyterians on church and state?,” Dr. Mark A. Noll, Francis McAnaney Professor of History Emeritus, University of Notre Dame, Research Professor of History, Regent College, Vancouver, B.C.
To register please contact Dr. Jeff McDonald, 518 Martin Drive, Bellevue, NE, at jsmcdonald@unomaha.edu, or by calling (402) 682-1439.
Cost is $50.00 (payable in advance or at the conference). The conference hotel is the Hampton Inn Chicago-Carol Stream, Illinois.
This is not a function of Wheaton College.