The Presbyterian Lay Committee will offer an analysis of this decision next week. Please check back for more information on this ruling.
In Peters Creek United Presbyterian Church v. Washington Presbytery of Pennsylvania, (PA Commonw. Ct., April 30, 2014), the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court in a 4-3 decision held that the church building and other property of Peters Creek Church is held in trust for the Presbyterian Church USA, despite the vote of a majority of the congregation’s members to break away and instead affiliate with the Evangelical [Presbyterian] Church.
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One of the common misconceptions about secular law and its application in this world is that life is fair or that justice is indeed sure. No, in the tort, adversarial system of laws and recourse we have, “justice” rightness or even what is fair is not a guarantee at all times. Life is indeed unfair at times, but God is always justice. My counsel to those seeking other denominational destinations is that do not be so wedded to matters of brick and mortar and physical real estate. Neither Scripture or the Savior advised taking comfort or base one’s identity in such. You may prevail and take your property in some cases, others not. If not, then your recourse is not only to run, but flee sin and oppression. God will be with you in your new locations. And that’s OK.
God is indeed just. Those who oppress, those who crush, those who suppress the faithful, the righteous of the Lord will indeed know justice and know their day in court. And in that court the justice of God is swift and sure. PCUSA denominational functionaries and bureaucrats who seek their comfort and victory in property and power will have an eternity to contemplate their arrogance and pride. And that eternity for them will indeed be in a very dark and very hostile place. They may win a property case from time to time, that is given. But they will have lost their souls along the way.