Princeton Theological Seminary President Craig Barnes has signed an open letter along with other seminary presidents from the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. to show solidarity with more than 30 African American deans and seminary presidents who have called for action on racial justice issues.
On Jan. 15, the African American Presidents and Deans in Theological Education issued a call through an open letter to leaders, citizens, and people who serve theological and divinity schools.
“Discrimination thrives, with no intent or program for relief. As was true in the 1960s, it is time for citizens of good conscience to once again rise up and rally to the cry for freedom and justice for all. The racial climate in the United States, and the respect for our common humanity everywhere, is clearly in decline,” reads the letter. “How can Americans acquiesce, remain silent, passive and neutral as African-American men and women are slain in the streets of Ferguson, Staten Island, Cleveland and beyond?”
The letter calls on Americans to reaffirm a commitment to “the beloved community,” where the freedom and rights of all are respected and protected.
“We believe that citizens of good conscience must arise and call our nation to assess and address the rising tide of injustice throughout our legal and criminal justice systems.There must be restraint to those who shoot, kill, and maim innocent young men and women in the streets of our nation,” reads the letter. “We call on all Americans of good conscience who gather across the country to speak out for liberty and justice for all. As our modern-day prophet, Martin Luther King, Jr. noted, `Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere’.”
At the annual meeting of the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. Presidents and Board Chairs, Brian Blount, president of Union Presbyterian Seminary and one of the signers of the open letter, read the letter as part of the group’s opening prayer.
The presidents said they were deeply moved by the letter and affirmed their solidarity with an open letter of their own.
“We commit to creating and sustaining conversations, programs, and actions, that are consistent with the missions of our schools that respond to our country’s current situation so that we might embrace anew a vision of the beloved community,” reads the response letter. “Your prophetic witness inspires us. Our own various complicities within oppressive structures humble us. May the Spirit of God, which dwells in each of us, transform our world so that we might more fully embrace a Christian witness that seeks to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with God.”
Article by Krystal Knapp, the publisher and founding editor of Planet Princeton. She can be reached at Krystal@planetprinceton.com.
7 Comments. Leave new
I agree that there is much to be done to address the racial disparities that still exist in our country. But what I miss from these statements is any recognition that the collapse of the traditional family has contributed greatly to the ills these letters decry. When the out-of-wedlock rate of births touches 90% in the African-American inner city community, this results in more poverty, more confrontations with police, and more incarceration for young people who have not been brought up in an intact, two parent household.
Cops lives matter too. Which is why Mr. Barnes prays for such if and when his car breaks down more than 30 feet from Hodge lounge.
Matthew 28:18-20 would be better to obey even though the disciples were discriminated against by the Jewish Clergy, yet, they preached the Gospel of Christ, his life, death and resurrection as taught in the New Testament, our model for evangelizing the world.
That is the only model that works. Since the Holy Bible has been thrown away, look at the results in this world.
Well Said John, so many in academia have abandoned all “common sense”!
And so what is new or what has changed in the world? Nothing. Statements of fact or fiction carry little weight. But statements make
those signing or issuing them feel good.
Perhaps calling for a time of prayer or Thanksgiving might be more
salutary if one really believes prayer changes things.
Good thing having Mr. Barnes around. Otherwise, someone would need to invent him.
“Michael Brown’s juvenile record unsealed…” Hmm.
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