By Michael Gryboski, The Christian Post.
A leader within the Presbyterian Church (USA) took part in a protest held outside of Wendy’s Dublin, Ohio, headquarters last week, demanding that the fast food chain sign onto the Fair Food Program.
“Wendy’s has, for many years, avoided the criteria of the Fair Food Program, even as other companies have joined on,” said Tony De La Rosa, interim executive director of the Presbyterian Mission Agency, in a statement about his participation in the May 26 demonstration organized by the Coalition of Immokalee Workers.
“We believe, as people of faith, that it is time for Wendy’s to adopt the criteria of this program. Thievery in the field, sexual harassment and other abuses have no place in the supply chain of our food. It is right and moral that workers receive a fair wage and just working conditions are established.”
According to the Fair Food Standards Council, the Fair Food Program involves among other things independent monitoring of working conditions for farmworkers and the creation of a ‘penny-per-pound’ premium for farmworkers.
Bob Bertini, spokesman for Wendy’s, told The Christian Post that these protests by the CIW and its allies have been going on for several years.
“We have always prided ourselves on our relationships with industry-leading suppliers, and we work with companies who share our commitment to quality, integrity and ethics,” said Bertini. “We support the goals of any organization that seeks to improve human rights, but we don’t believe we should pay another company’s employees — just as we do not pay factory workers, truck drivers or maintenance personnel that work for our other suppliers.”
When asked by CP about his opinion of PCUSA and other religious groups supporting the CIW, Bertini replied that Wendy’s “respects the opinions of others that may differ from our own.”
16 Comments. Leave new
Isn’t this just wonderful?! Leadership in the PCUSA cannot hold their own “market share” of churches, having lost another 95K-plus members and no prospects of turning this trend around. BUT they still presume to tell leaders in private industries how to manage their businesses and the lives of their employees. There is no end to their hubris…the deadliest of the Seven.
Oh looky, our very own De La Rosa prancing around Wendy’s headquarters acting like he’s saving the World, oh yeah, thats right he is the head of the PMA designed to spread the Gospel to a lost and dying world and he’s worried about where the tomatos are coming from. I have no doubt that they are shaking in their shoes in the board room.
I’m so tired of these people acting like they speak for the majority of us.
While none of us want workers to be mistreated, that’s not the mission of the PMA, and yet the lousiville sluggers look at the shrinking membership data and wonder why, just incredible.
Maybe Tony needs to concentrate real missionary work.
The truly interesting thing is that the job descriptions do not include anything about the political involvement these folks undertake on our behalf. From what authority do they get their marching orders or is it implied? And, it’s probably a correct statement that these are personal views and the denominational platform is being used to either add weight and/or increase views. I know that when I read about this, I immediately went out purchased several Wendy’s meals for my associates and me.
All I see are a bunch of misfits and malcontents. Gotta go grab a Baconator!
And from what I understand, Wendy’s has little to do with what they protest; this is an issue of tomatoes – but I guess they wouldn’t get the publicity walking around in front of a farm – how dare they say they represent all of us! How about going down to the Saudi embassy/consulate and protesting for women’s rights – or the illegal act of owning a Bible?
OK, let me make sure I get this right; people are illegally streaming across the border, they get in line for all kinds of free things they didn’t earn, and now we feel bad because they don’t earn a high wage even though what they are earning is higher than they earned back home, right?
Isn’t it obvious folks?!….this is absolutely all these folks know…. (think they know actually)….this IS their whole Gospel.
Who the heck is he to represent ALL Presbyterians on this “mission”?!?!?
The Church is in DECLINE – CLOSING doors left and right and we want to spread God’s love by protesting outside of Wendy’s? Really? This is NOT a good use of our resources!
I cannot agree more with the other poster, Donald!
After reading articles like this and many before it, does anybody wonder why PCUSA is a denomination that will soon fall to a level of minor importance within the Presbyterian faith. For the record I was born a Presbyterian and been a Presbyterian all my life. I left the PCUSA for PCA in 2003.
Good heavens what kind of people are you? These people are working for slave and I mean literally slave wages and you have no compassion. The plight of the farm worker whether in the US or in Mexico calls on you to actually live your faith. Yes we need to tell leaders in private industry they need to act in a manner that respects human dignity.
What remains most curious is the total lack of attention or coverage this so called “boycott” has gotten from the established PCUSA media and mouthpieces, PNC,RNC, “Outlook”, even it its own denominational website, not one mention or peep. One must conclude the following options.
-They are unaware of the boycott- highly unlikely.
-They are aware but are either too lazy to do the research or background on the story- again highly unlikely.
-They are aware but choose to do what I will call “self-censorship” In that for many reasons practice and political they choose to non-report or under report the story and the “boycott” of Wendy’s because they realize to do so only serves to reinforce what all already know. The PCUSA is an ill-managed, poorly lead, administratively incompetent entity where one hand does not know the other and its message and purpose is incoherent and meaningless.
Either way, in terms of journalism, in terms of truth, in terms of getting a story out the PCUSA is no better than a third-world rump dictatorship, it only produces what it wants too,and is far better served by keeping all in the dark as much as possible. Again well done, PCUSA.
PS: Tony really needs to Office Max or Vista print for some professional work on his sign.
I wonder how the folks in Louisville would like it if someone rented a bill board near the headquarters that said Boycott the PCUSA for Apostasy
James, the problem is not that no one cares about workers of any kind. The 0problem is that the PCUSA leaders are hypocrites in that they pick and choose one company or corporation – not where the problem is. You want to help workers, go back a few steps: picket the tomato growers, not just one fast food company. And if they in their hearts care about workers, do it meaningfully – join an organization that will make a difference. To represent PCUSA on a fast food picket line is meaningless. It’s not that no one cares – but this is the wrong way to go about making change – and they have no right to say they represent all of us – even if I agreed with him on all his boycott issues, I would still say he should do it more directly. This is just a show.
I’m a ‘slave’ right here in Amerika. The government seizes 50 percent plus (federal tax, social security/with employer match, state tax, property tax, sales tax, taxes on phone and other hidden ‘fees’), of my income and I barely have enough to pay my own bills. I have a college degree, own a small business, take one small vacation each year and live each day knowing I’m only one lawsuit or one month from bankruptcy. I thank Lord Jesus I have food on the table each day and there’s enough in my checking to pay bills, then move forward in faith.
Would it be possible to make a list of all the companies we are supposed to be boycotting? It keeps changing all the time, and since I’m sure the boycotts must be having some effect, it would be good to know when we can buy from the company again. It probably be good to let us know the reason why we are boycotting them. I also wonder, if we are not doing business with a company based on our faith, how we are any different from a cake baker who doesn’t do business with a person based on their faith perspective? It’s way too complicated for me to keep track of, so the list would be helpful. Perhaps it might be easier to list the companies we can do business with?