More than 5,000 teenagers from across the country and beyond will gather for the 2013 Presbyterian Youth Triennium to delve into Jesus’ “I AM” statements from July 16 to 20 at Purdue University in Indiana, the Presbyterian Church (USA) said.
“What a great thing, some five thousand Presbyterian youth getting a week of immersion in the faith community and gospel,” said PCUSA’s Evangelism Ministries coordinator Ray Jones in a statement. “Imagine the impact on the church of youth and adults together getting a sense of what it means to be a disciple and follower of Jesus.”
The Evangelism Ministries includes Ministries with Youth, which is responsible for planning and implementation of the Triennium, an event that seeks to connect youth and adults with activities that inspire them to be alert, active and seek ways to connect their lives with their growing faith through presentations, studies, recreational events and mission experiences.
“We anticipated 4,200 participants, hoped for more, and are really pleased and amazed to have 5,200-plus!” said Triennium director Gina Yeager-Buckley. “There are so many options for youth, especially in the summer. That they would take a week to come together with so many new brothers and sisters, friends and leaders – we are so grateful and praying for a time of inspiration and deep impact.”