
One of the many examples the NGO Monitor’s report ““The Role of Anti-Semitism in the Presbyterian Church’s Decision to Support Divestment,” cites of the IPMN’s anti-semitism.
To David Esterline, incoming president of the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary: First, congratulations on your appointment, as reported in The Jewish Chronicle. I wish you all success in your new endeavor.
I take a special interest in your support for the divestment resolution at last year’s General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA), as highlighted in the Chronicle story. On that subject, allow me to bring to your attention our report, “The Role of Anti-Semitism in the Presbyterian Church’s Decision to Support Divestment.”
The accusation of anti-Semitism is a highly charged one, and is something I generally avoid unless there is well documented evidence to support it. I am hoping you will read the report, as it fully documents clear instances of a strong undercurrent of overt anti-Jewish bigotry within the Presbyterian Church’s Israel Palestine Mission Network, as expressed on the group’s Facebook page. The IPMN is a primary advocate within the church on behalf of the anti-Israel boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign (BDS), whose goal is to delegitimize the State of Israel and lead to that country’s dissolution.
Numerous postings uploaded to the IPMN Facebook page by organization members over a period of two years demonstrate an ongoing pattern of expressions of anti-Semitism. More disturbing is that the site, administered by five IPMN leaders, includes members who are senior staff of the church, theologians, clergy and laity. At no point did any of these site administrators or any of the church’s staff or clergy take any overt action such as speaking out against the blatant anti-Semitism, rebuking members for their intolerant statements or removing them from the site’s membership.
Last year, I shared this report with the leadership of the Presbyterian Church and received no response.
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Read the “The Role of Anti-Semitism in the Presbyterian Church’s Decision to Support Divestment.”
6 Comments. Leave new
Anti-semetism is a very, very serious charge to make, and one had best have their facts in row. Is the PCUSA an anti-Semitic organization? No, neither in by-laws, policy or doctrine. In fact for most of its history Presbyterianism in general, had very warm and close relations with many Zionist organizations and those in the forming of the state of Israel, as well as many U.S. Rabbinical organizations. Things have changed though in the last 15-20 years.
Does it provide safe harbor, give aid and comfort, give tacit approval at times to those voices that hate Jews, simply because they are Jews? Yes it does. Does it hate the nation state of Israel as a political or real entity, yes it does. Does it parse “good Jews”, primarily those liberal voices in the Jewish community who support a Palestinian state, from “bad” Jews, anybody else. Well, ya. Do many of the social-political activists in the PCUSA sort of wish Israel simply would not exist? Yes.
One can take comfort in the fact that math is always math. At a membership loss of about 240 a day or so, there are far less those around to either care or pay attention to whatever Louisville or its organs have to say on the matter, than say Detroit last summer or even last week. God is indeed good and just.
On my short list of reasons to help my church leave the PCUSA was the overt anti-Semitism. It was also on the short list of some of our congregation’s military members.
It is sad that any criticism of Israel is always deemed anti-semitism. But the fact remains, Palestinians are mistreated, murdered, and abused by Israelis. I won’t get in to a listing of events, but the evidence is there.
There is never any actual response to the concerns raised about the IPMN’s comments, just the whiny refrain, “wah wah, any criticism of Israel is called anti-Semitism.” That’s simply not true. But some criticism of Israel IS anti-Semitism and needs to be owned up to.
I live in cincinnati. My husband is jewish. We both chose to raise our children in a liberal christian church because I a,mshe more spiritual of them two. I discussed w my minister I would not tolerate any anti semetic sermons or attitudes in my church, my minister for 15yrs was a saint. He and my husband are still friends. Then the liberal fanatics took over abt 2000 ish . Our minister retired. Visited abt 4 PCUSA churches filled with liberal progressive Jew bashing and anti israel hating from pulpit !
To continue…. Youngest child a high school student traumatized by jewish hatred as we live in a multicultural upscale community were not such hatred I play…. Except my liberal progressive israel hating minister, Quit church entirely. Adult children and wives will not step footmin pcusa churches in cincinnati Ohio. I hope my former ministers read this, They know who they are.