By Bob Allen
The idea that Christianity is the only saving path to God is a hard sell in a culture that increasingly celebrates religious diversity, Southern Baptist seminary President Albert Mohler told preachers gathered for this year’s Together for the Gospel confab in Louisville, Ky.
“I want to affirm one central truth as I am among you tonight,” Mohler said on the opening day of the April 8-10 gathering. “The singularity of Christ is what saves us.”
Mohler described the exclusivity of Christ as a “universal apologetic problem” but urged preachers not to shy away.
“If we see it as a negative, hard, burdensome truth we are forced by Christian duty to bear, we slander the gospel, we misunderstand the gospel, we underestimate the gospel,” he said. “Only in light of its enemies is this truth burdensome and heavy to bear.”
Mohler said liberal Christianity has dealt with the claim by moving toward universalism, the belief that eventually all persons are saved, or, more commonly, inclusivism, which assumes that all world religions point to a common truth that at the end of the day will be discovered to have been Christ.