The Supreme Court has now ruled on two monumental marriage cases, and the legal and cultural landscape has changed in this country. The court voted to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act and remand the decision of the Ninth Circuit in the Proposition 8 case, holding that California’s Proposition 8 defenders didn’t have standing. The Defense of Marriage Act decision used rather sweeping language about equal protection and human dignity as they apply to the recognition of same-sex unions. But what has changed for us, for our churches, and our witness to the gospel?
In one sense, nothing. Jesus of Nazareth is still alive. He is calling the cosmos toward his kingdom, and he will ultimately be Lord indeed. Regardless of what happens with marriage, the gospel doesn’t need “family values” to flourish. In fact, it often thrives when it is in sharp contrast to the cultures around it. That’s why the gospel rocketed out of the first-century from places such as Ephesus and Philippi and Corinth and Rome, which were hardly Mayberry.
In another sense, though, the marginalization of conjugal marriage in American culture has profound implications for our gospel witness. First of all, marriage isn’t incidental to gospel preaching.
There’s a reason why persons don’t split apart like amoebas. We were all conceived in the union between a man and a woman. Beyond the natural reality, the gospel tells us there’s a cosmic mystery (Eph. 5:32).
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The Supreme Court decision did not establish legalization of same-sex marriage in all 50 states, but it will inevitably lead to it. Approval of same-sex marriage by next year’s General Assembly, already very likely, is now all but certain. Those of you who dissent may choose to leave the PCUSA for other denominations that hold to the Scriptural definition of marriage. But you won’t be safe there; the next step, for activists on the political left, will be to work towards restricting free speech on the issue, with the goal of making it illegal to express opposition to same-sex marriage – even within the walls of a church. If you think my prediction is extreme, you’re not paying enough attention to the zeal with which the political left pursues its agenda. It does so without regard to Scripture; and certainly without regard to the Bill of Rights.
You are absolutely correct in my opinion. I’m afraid I’ll just have to be “illegal” when the time comes. Getting jailed for free speech and belief in God. is still lees than Christians in the rest of the world suffer today. I’ll be in good company.