YouTube screen grab of Dr Larycia Hawkins speaking about her recent suspension from Wheaton College.
By Megan Pavlischek Grant, Juicy Ecumenism.
As an evangelical Christian and Wheaton College alumna (2009), who has spent years living among Muslims in Morocco and has worked with Iraqi refugees in Illinois, I find that the controversy surrounding Larycia Hawkins appeals to some of my deepest theological, intellectual and emotional commitments.
The issue boils down to two of Hawkins’ actions:
- She committed to wear a headscarf for the season of advent as an expression of compassion and solidarity with Muslims in America. – Good for her!
- She justified her actions on Facebook, saying “I stand in religious solidarity with Muslims because they, like me, a Christian, are people of the book…” – Here is where she went terribly wrong.
One of my passions is encouraging evangelical expressions of empathy, compassion and solidarity with Muslims.
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“I stand in religious solidarity with Muslims because they, like me, a Christian, are people of the book…”
Makes me wonder if she has pcusa ties………..
Someone needs to tell this silly airhead of an academic that Muslims do not call themselves Ahl al-Kitab, as she has called them. This is what Muslims call other people (Christians and Jews) with whom they specifically associate al-Tawrat and al-Injeel.
Someone also needs to tell this silly airhead of an academic that Muslims believe the Tawrat and the Injeel are not exactly the same thing that Christians call the Old and New Testaments, but are the original versions of these books that have since been massively corrupted, so that now only the Qur’an is literally true and finally authoritative.
If this silly kafir really wanted to show solidarity with Muslims, she should have taken the time to learn a few things about what Muslims actually believe before she put on a head scarf and proceeded to make a public spectacle of herself. This whole business is nothing more than a publicity stunt by someone who is clearly out of her depth, but does know how to get press coverage.
Honestly, how much is enough? Didn’t this denomination give us a year’s belly full with gay marriage? So, now, it is going to be a year of denial and promotion of Islamic fundamentalism? No wonder the left has completely taken over the denomination.