The Layman
ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians held a Missional Leader Training Conference Nov. 4-5 at Windwood Presbyterian Church in Houston, Texas.
ECO participants and those with the Fellowship of Presbyterians were joined at the conference by attendees from the Presbyterian Church (USA), the Christian Reformed Church and the Reformed Church of America.
Participants traveled from California, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Washington, South Carolina, Florida and from other parts of Texas.
Dana Allin, synod executive for ECO, opened the conference. Allin assured attendees that though the presentation focused on Missional Models of Ministry, he was not advocating an all-or-nothing approach between attractional and missional models.
He stressed the importance of applying the underlying missional principles to the existing attractional church structure and moving toward gospel-centered missional growth.
“It is exciting to have leaders not only from ECO/Fellowship churches, but also from the Christian Reformed Church come together to learn about forming gospel-centered communities that increase the level of discipleship in its members and reach their cities with the good news more effectively,” he said.
David Hancock, director of community discipleship and contemporary worship at Indian River Presbyterian Church, presented the primary training on creating the gospel-centered missional model from a new handbook still in production called, “Missional Community Formation Workbook,” co-authored by Jim Singleton, Allin and Hancock.
Hancock said, “It was such a joy to gather together and have a conversation about how we can equip communities to be immersed in the gospel together on mission. I am praying for a gospel movement within our churches that will equip community groups to reach the lost with the gospel. Please join me in this prayer!”
Though still in the planning stages, the workbook and additional training conferences may be completed by the summer of 2014.
ECO, formed in 2012, has 75 churches. More information about ECO can be found on its web site.