By David Fischler, The Reformed Pastor blog
American higher education is, by and large, no longer a bastion of free thinking, free speech, and free exchange of ideas. Instead, in thrall to statist politics, feminist hysteria, and gay totalitarianism, it has become a collection of indoctrination camps whose motto is “You WILL Comply!” The latest example comes from this story in the Boston Business Journal, in which Gordon College in Massachusetts finds out that its accrediting agency, for all intents and purposes, no longer certifies Christian institutions:
The regional body that accredits colleges and universities has given Gordon College a year to report back about a campus policy on homosexuality, one that may be in violation of accreditation standards.
The higher education commission of the New England Association of Schools and Colleges met last week and “considered whether Gordon College’s traditional inclusion of ‘homosexual practice’ as a forbidden activity” runs afoul of the commission’s standards for accreditation, according to a joint statement from NEASC and Gordon College.
The commission asked Gordon College to submit a report next September. The report should describe the process by which the college has approached its review of the policy “to ensure that the College’s policies and procedures are non-discriminatory,” the statement said.
Meanwhile, the Wenham college has formed a new 20-member working group to review the policy.
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Gayness at Gordon???? Gordon will not be alone, all Christian so called colleges and seminaries will face the gay music.
“”The forces of gayness will not stop until every institution, every organization, every social group, every religion, every business, and every individual has bowed the knee to its false god. We have three choices as we face this threat: we can fight it, we can go underground, or we can give in. Let’s hope and pray that there are trustees at Gordon College will to take either of those first two options.”””
Fight to the death, and tell regional body to stick their edict where the sun does not shine. Does the First Amendment have any value that gays, the perverts now have the power to want we the straights to bow down to Baal.
Might as well fight to the death, accreditation will mean nothing in the future, and Gordon may have to rescind its 5-01 C3 tax exemption, pay taxes, down size to a Marine Corps like boor CAMP without abuse, and train real men and women of what used to be Onward Christian Soldiers.
Blackmail does not always require giving of money. In this case, Gordon has received a demand letter to cease and desist in setting biblical standards.
What the regional accredition agencies do not recognize is the future of American higher education is losing its charmed life, compared to 50 years ago.
If Gorden maintains its academic standards, Gordon will sit on top of the list of universities or colleges of excellence. All Gordon’s administration and trustees need to do is take
the regional standard, evaluate them for usefulness [quality of the library holdings is one], and set about exceeding the
regional standards.
In time, soon I imagine, distinctive Christian and other religous-oriented colleges and universities will arise to a higher standard than the mere accrediting agencies.