By Priscilla Shirer, Going Beyond Ministries
I’ve been waiting – waiting and thinking about when and if to write about it here. Wondering if this virtual living room was an appropriate forum for a post on such things.
And it is. It has to be.
If ministry – all ministries – are not connected to and involved with the issues of culture and society then what is its real power. So sometimes we write about silly things – superficial things – like hair or recipes. Sometimes we inspire you spiritually or ask for your comments about a personally enriching topic. But sometimes. . .sometimes. . .
. . .we write about Ferguson.
I’ve watched it all play out in the media just like you have. So many details still unknown and unclear. So many questions and hurt feelings that are pulsing in the soul of our already heart-bruised nation. Who should bear the weight of guilt will prayerfully be decided as justice unfolds but choosing a culprit is not my intention today.
I’m not a judge.
But I am a mother of black boys.
2 Comments. Leave new
“The fact remains that there is an underlying divide in our nation that still exists”
Great article, Billy Graham said it best, “the most segregated day in America is Sunday”
True,and add Liberation Theology doing its destruction to deconstruct Biblical Christianity.