Anyone who has been touched by suicide knows the depths of despair and suffering which surround the taking of a life. We have also heard and read accounts of those who stopped short of suicide because of the intervention of just one person who took notice, offered hope, and valued life.
The story from Shropshire, England in the UK will break your heart and lead you to wonder what kind of world we’re now living in. A clearly distressed man stood atop a tall building, planning to take his own life. The police gathered to talk him down but they were drown out by others who chanted “Jump, jump” from the street below. They poised their phones to record the man’s final moments and their bloodlust was satisfied when he succumbed to their taunts.
Nothing could be further from the Biblical mandate to spur one another on to love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24).
We are called to encourage, not discourage, one another.
We are called to assist, not cripple, those who are distressed.
We are to bear light, not darkness, to those who are depressed.
We are cover people with compassion, not insults.
The man who was teetering atop the building was a child of God and he is precious in God’s sight. Christ died for that man. The minions on the street served not as ambassadors of Christ – the good shepherd who came that we might have life and have it abundantly. No, they served as agents of the thief who comes to steal and kill and destroy (John 10:10).
Today, as you walk in the world, seek out the lonely person, walk with one who struggles, open a door, carry a load, be present and kind and listen. Do not miss the opportunity today to spurn another person on to love and good deeds.
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My business Mentor through High School and College committed suicide, health reasons, nothing like this, I still can’t get my head around it, he knew the Lord, and I know were he is.
These pricks that yelled jump to this poor man are just products of the society that threw off the Biblical culture that gave us the King James Bible, Westminster Confession of Faith, just to name a few.
On another note, they were interfering with Police business, and there well should be some repercussions for that, in spades.