By Michael Gryboski
Conservative members of the United Methodist Church have expressed disappointment over a bishop’s refusal to punish a clergyman who violated church rules by officiating his son’s gay wedding.
The Rev. Dr. Thomas Ogletree, former dean of Yale Divinity School, officiated at the same-sex wedding of his son in 2012. A complaint was filed against him and a church trial was originally scheduled for March.
Bishop Martin D. McLee of the UMC New York Conference reached an “Agreement for a Just Resolution” where no trial will be held. Further, McLee called on a cessation of all church trials for UMC clergy who had presided over gay unions.
Some Methodists, including the Rev. Tom Lambrecht of Good News Magazine, have expressed their disapproval at the resolution.
“We are deeply disappointed in the decision to negotiate a settlement that contains no consequences for Dr. Ogletree’s disobedience,” Lambrecht told The Christian Post. “Such a decision puts the will of individuals above the requirements of our church covenant and nullifies the will of the General Conference, which has been prayerfully and democratically arrived at and sustained for over 40 years.”
Lambrecht also told CP that Bishop McLee’s decision to halt church trials for UMC clergy who perform gay weddings “is a green light for clergy to disregard our church covenant and Discipline.”
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John and charles wesley would roll over in their graves with the amount of disregard for The Holy Scriptures. Its time for Methodists to stand up and be heard. This is not acceptable. We need to go back to the Bible. Our denomination is in a decline because of lack of character and disregard for biblical truth. I will not stay in a church that allows this to happen. We are in danger of God’s judgement. Judgement remember begins at the house of God. Beloved this can be changed by returning to truth. God loves the homosexual man or woman. Jesus does not accept the lifestyle. This applies to other sins as well. God loves the sinner hates the sin. Sin disconnects us from the Father. Our relationship becomes disconnected. The Father still loves us but hates are actions. Because we are christians this shows we are .lukewarm. Jesus says this action causes him to vomit. Return Methodists to your holiness tradition; to prayer and fasting.